Devon and Sydney Carlson: How a Guy Came Between Us (FBF) [VIDEO]

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This episode delves into the personal lives of sisters Devon and Sydney Carlson, exploring their relationship dynamics, personal growth, and their venture into the business world with their company, Wildflower Cases.

Episode Summary

In an engaging conversation with host Alex Cooper, sisters Devon and Sydney Carlson share their journey from a simple creative idea to the successful establishment of their company, Wildflower Cases. They discuss the pivotal moment their business took off after an encounter with Miley Cyrus, who tweeted about their product. The episode also explores their personal challenges, including dealing with relationships and personal growth. Both sisters candidly discuss their past relationships, their approach to life and business, and how they support each other through life's ups and downs.

Main Takeaways

  1. Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Carlson sisters transformed a simple DIY project into a thriving business, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit.
  2. Importance of Family: Throughout their personal and professional lives, family support plays a crucial role.
  3. Navigating Relationships: They share insights into their relationship dynamics and how personal relationships influenced their growth.
  4. Personal Development: Both sisters emphasize the importance of personal development and learning from life experiences.
  5. Sisterhood and Support: The strong bond and mutual support between Devon and Sydney are highlighted as foundational to their success and well-being.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

The episode opens with a light-hearted introduction of the Carlson sisters, setting a relaxed and engaging tone. Alex Cooper: "Welcome to the show, let's dive into your story!"

2: The Birth of Wildflower Cases

The sisters recount the accidental beginnings of their business after a fateful encounter with Miley Cyrus. Devon Carlson: "It all started with a phone case that caught Miley's eye."

3: Personal Challenges and Growth

Devon and Sydney discuss the challenges they faced in personal relationships and how these experiences shaped their personal growth. Sydney Carlson: "Every challenge taught me more about myself."

4: Business and Family

They share how their family's involvement was crucial in the growth of Wildflower Cases and how they balance business dynamics with family relations. Devon Carlson: "Our family's support was everything."

5: Looking Ahead

The episode concludes with the sisters sharing their future aspirations for themselves and their business. Alex Cooper: "What's next for you and Wildflower Cases?"

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace Creativity in Business: Turn simple ideas into opportunities.
  2. Support from Loved Ones: Leverage and cherish the support from family in personal and professional endeavors.
  3. Learn from Relationships: Use personal experiences as lessons for growth and development.
  4. Maintain a Support Network: Keep a close circle of support to navigate life's challenges.
  5. Balance Work and Personal Life: Ensure to maintain a healthy balance to sustain personal well-being and business success.

About This Episode

This episode, Devon and Sydney Carlson join Father Cooper. They’re sisters, best friends and business partners. Devon and Sydney recount how a bathroom run-in with Miley Cyrus led to the overnight development of their company, Wildflower. The sisters spill all of their secrets while playing a game of “Who is More Likely to ...” Which Carlson sister is more likely to get kicked out of the club and who will be texting their ex once they get drunk? Which sister gives better head? Devon and Sydney do not hold back while discussing their dating lives. Devon reveals the extreme lengths she went to in order to stalk her ex on social media and how she struggled being single after a long term relationship ended. Sydney opens up about her ex’s drug addiction, the effect it had on her mentally and physically, and how it ultimately led her to push away from family and friends.


Devon Carlson, Sydney Carlson, Miley Cyrus


Wildflower Cases



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Devin Carlson
I, like, want to take off my shoes and, like, get cozy now. Do it, do it, do it. There's water behind you if you need it. Jimmy's like, I kind of think I want to drink. I'm suddenly nervous.

Alex Cooper
Should we go get a drink? Yeah. Okay. Bye. Okay, let's go.


What is up, daddy? Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper with. Oh, let me hear you guys give me, like, a little, like. Hey, see that?

Sydney Carlson
Hey, Alex. Oh, wait, maybe bring yours down. So I want to see your face a little. Take off your top. Sydney.

Alex Cooper
Bring that closer to your mouth. Is this good? I don't know why you're singing, but I love it. I actually don't need to sing at all. Devin and Sydney Carlson, welcome to color daddy.

There's, like no crowd going, woo. Let's start off with. You guys are the first official sisters I have ever had on caller daddy. Really? Like, people related even.

Sydney Carlson
We clap a lot. My dad calls it the Carlson clap because we clap all the time. I think we got it from them anytime. My parents will always start a clap and it just has gone down to us. When we were little, like anything, the smallest things we did, they were like, chop girls.

Even now we, like, walk in their. House and they're like, I love it. Because you guys keep clapping at me and I'm like, I'm like, welcome to call her dad. Like, yeah. Okay.

Alex Cooper
You just had a birthday. Happy belated birthday. You went to Vegas. I went to Vegas. Tell me, what was the most, like, memorable moment in Vegas?

What happened? What did you do? Well, the entire trip was, like, kind of a surprise. Yeah, no, a few months ago, we were all sitting in my bedroom and I was like, what are we gonna do for my birthday? Like, we gotta make it big and.

Devin Carlson
Cause it was like my first, whatever. First single birthday in a while. Okay, we can say it. We can say it. Okay, okay.

Alex Cooper
First single birthday in a while. You were gonna do it. You gotta do it big. We could do it big. And I was like, Katy Perry, obviously.

Devin Carlson
We have to see, that's what, like. Started the idea of. Yeah, so then we were looking up the dates and then she happened to be playing and so we're like, fuck it. And then I started getting closer and they're like, what do you want to do? And I was like, can part of my gift just be that I don't play?

Like, can you guys just plan it? So everything was kind of a highlight, but I feel like one of my favorite parts was when we were all at the lobby bar. And we. Everyone kept coming down and like showing off their outfits. And we'd be like, yeah.

Because we didn't stay in the same room. We all stayed in separate rooms. So I kind of felt like camp. And then everyone, we would like, group. It was summer camp.

Alex Cooper
What, are you waiting at the lobby? And everyone come down. It was like a fashion show. Seeing everyone's like, outfits. I don't know.

Okay, so you were there? Yes. Do you usually get invited to each other? Shit, yeah. Within the past few years?

Devin Carlson
Yeah. Well, cuz we were just like sisters for a really long time. Like, just, I feel like in high school. When did you become friends? Walk me through the high school.

Sydney Carlson
We were definitely like sisters. Still like friends. We never have really fought, I don't. Think ever had a real fight. Every fight has been about clothes.

Devin Carlson
Like screaming, crying, everything about clothes. Why are you fighting over clothes? Because, like, you borrowed that without. You didn't ask me. Yeah, my first job, I spent all of my money on mainly like, gas and clothes and I would guess work hours for like, little money.

And then I go to the urban outfitter sales section, buy one thing and then go to wear it and it's gone. And I'm like. And I'm like, I worked so hard. To buy this fucking shirt. And she's wearing it without asking.

And then there was like, the trade. It's like, okay, well, if you borrowed that without asking it to wear this that you've never worn two things that. You'Ve never worn but you can't post photo. Yeah. Are you guys in the same friend group?

Sydney Carlson
Yeah, we're like, we hang out every day, basically. Yeah. Like, our friend group is the same. We're like a friend group. It was like Sydney went through, like, a gnarly relationship and then got out of it.

Devin Carlson
And I feel like we weren't close at all during that relationship. And it really made me be like, oh, my gosh. Okay, once she's out of this, like, I can't show me, like, what? I almost lost my sister. I felt like, as in my life.

And I was like, I'm never letting this happen again. She is like, I'm not. I'm like, forcing her to be my friend, basically. And then after the relationship, we became really close. Yeah.

Alex Cooper
Did you feel that too? Yeah, I mean, it was a fact. Friends are amazing, but, like, friends are friends. Like, they're not your blood. The fact that you guys are friends and your blood.

Sydney Carlson
Yeah, I think we forget sometimes and our friends sometimes are like, I always. Forget you guys are like, sisters. Like, we hang out with, like, sisters. Like, it doesn't feel like, but it's. We'll also do, like, our bickering fights about, like, just sister fight.

And our friends will be like, sister fight. But it'll last, like five minutes. And then we'll be like, should we go get dinner?

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Alex Cooper
Devon, you go first. Describe Sydney's personality and how, like, friends view her and, like, who is she in the friend group? And, like, what is her personality? Give me the fucking teen. Yeah.

Devin Carlson
Sydney is, like, the funny one. She's like, the funniest one out of all of our friends. Sydney can never be serious for more than 5 seconds. She's perfect. And she's also fun.

I don't know. She's not silly or goofy. She's just like, dry, funny. Serious dry humor and monotone is the fucking fun. That's what she is.

Alex Cooper
When you're like, what did you just. What did you just say? You're like, absolutely okay, that. I feel like we already got to know you a little bit now. Do it for Devin.

Sydney Carlson
Devin's not the quiet one.

She can be put in a room with complete strangers and walk out with ten friends, ten new numbers going, lunch plans. Like, she. We're. No, that's Sydney. No.

Oh, my God. No, we are. That's when I'm drunk and I give people my number. That's completely different. Like, alcohol is involved.

Like, she can do this just, like, naturally. That's where we're, like, very different. Like, she's like, social butterfly can, like, talk to anyone, be friends with anyone, and it's honestly, really. It's like, a talent of hers. And you're like, the first one.

Alex Cooper
If you're walking the door, you're talking first, and then she's following you with, like, hilarious jokes. Oh, the joke was all, whenever people get to meet us, they'd always be like, sydney's really the funny one. Like, you think that Devin's the funny one, but they're like, sydney's the funny one. And are you okay with that? It's true.

Devin Carlson
I can't really be mad. This is reality and have to just appreciate it and accept it. We work perfectly together. Your sisters, your best friends, and your business partners. Your company, Wildflower, creates the best phone cases.

Alex Cooper
I'm pretty sure when we were drunk at Olivia O'Brien's music video or somewhere, you guys, like, lightly light. You lightly started telling me, I think it was. We were, like, upstairs. Yes. And came over before you came over to.

Sydney Carlson
Oh, my God. Yes. And you broke the latex outfit. Oh, my God. I did.

Alex Cooper
And it was, like, so awkward. Cause I didn't know anyone, and I was, like, high girls. And it was, like, so nice. You were like, show us your vagina. Let's get out of the way.

Let's go. I remember that. And we were like, we love her. She's so good. And then we got drunk at the music video, while Olivia's, like, crushing it in the corner, we're like, she's working.

We're just gonna get hammered, right? And you guys started to tell me the story of how it all came to be. Tell us the story for the daddy gang that doesn't know. Well, it happened ten years ago now. We just celebrated our tenure.

And congratulations. That's fucking. Thank you. Thank you. It's crazy.

Holy shit. Very crazy. I really wanted a phone case for my birthday, and there was, like, iPhones had just come out, so there wasn't really cute accessory phone cases. It was just kind of like the solid color protective ones. Like, it wasn't, like, thought of an accessory.

The Otterbox or whatever. Yeah, just like, just to cover your phone. And our mom has always been very creative and crafty. She was making, like, the shorts with, like, the studs on them and putting, like, sewing fabric on them. Like, she's always just a very, like, diY.

Sydney Carlson
She was an art teacher. She just, like, crafts, doing stuff like that. So she thought to get a clear phone case, put fabric in it, and stud the outside of it like herself. And so she made a few of them and gave them to me and Devin. We went to school and our friends were like, whoa, what is that?

We want that. So she made them for our friends. And so, like, our friend group had them at school and people were, like, seeing them, and we would go the mall and people would stop us and be like, where did you get that phone case? Like, random people all the time. So the first day, my mom actually carried extras in her car because people would stop us that often.

She would have been like, well, I have some if, you know, you want to buy them off. No company or anything. We literally were just like. And it wasn't an idea to make it a company at all. We just were like, oh, we'll tell our mom what type of fabric to buy and, like, what stud patterns.

Trust a house. We literally didn't. There was no vision of growing it. Or having a company. That was no one's plan.

Devin Carlson
Yeah. So then one day, she was keeping him on her, and we went out to dinner, the four of us. The four of us family. And we got up to use the bathroom, and we were waiting in line, and Miley Cyrus walked out of the bathroom stall. And this was, like, miley's bun era.

Sydney Carlson
Yeah. Like, and I was the biggest Hannah Montana fan. Like, girls at school knew me as the girl who was obsessed with Hannah Montana. Yeah. Like, yeah, my obsession.

Devin Carlson
She walked out and I was like, holy fuck. They're like, wait. And I was like, this is my in. I have to say something. And I was like, I know it's really annoying, but do you mind if we take a photo together?

And so then we took a picture together, and I took it with the. Phone that had the phone case on it. And Miley was like, that phone case is so cute. Where is it? From.

Sydney Carlson
And we were like, our mom made it. She was like, does she have a company? We were like, no. And she said, is your mom here? We were like, yeah.

She said, can I go meet her? And we were like, sure. Didn't even go pee. Walk out of the bathroom. And we're like, walking back to our table.

Meet Evan and Miley. And our parents are like, what are they doing? Like, what's. There was like a girl we went. To school with tweeting, like, holy shit.

Devin Carlson
Like, what is going on? Like, I see the carl's and we're. Like, with walking out of the bathroom and Miley taps our mom on the shoulder and is like, did you make these phone cases? Like, they're so cute. And we were like, yeah.

Sydney Carlson
And she was like, you guys should start a business. Like, this is really cool. This is really cool idea. You guys should start a business. And my dad looked at her.

My dad was a graphic designer for years. And so he looked at Miley and said, we'll have a website in the morning. And we were like, yeah, we will. And in the midst. What are you talking about?

Devin Carlson
She got my Twitter handle. And so she ended up. We gave her all the cases off our phones, too. And the ones in the car, we were like, take everything. What do you want?

Sydney Carlson
You could have everything. She went back to her table, took a photo of them, tweeted it, tagged. Me in her tweet. Everyone started. And this was like 2012 Twitter.

Devin Carlson
Like, no one. It was unheard of to get mentioned by, like, anyone, like a celebrity or anything like that. And so. And all of our phones had died. Yes.

Sydney Carlson
So we didn't even know. We're driving home, like, free, freaking out, waiting to get a phone charger. All of us plug our phones in and we're like, oh, my God. And all the phones, like. And everyone from school is texting, texting us, like, what's this tweet?

My dad stays up all night that night. I mean, when Miley Cyrus fucking looks at you and is like, you need to have a company. And your dad's like, there will have in the morning. So then we started tweeting, like, responding to people like we had all.

No inventory. We had nothing. We ended up selling our house and that funded all of wildflower. And we moved into our grandma and grandpa's house. And we still ran all of wildflower for the first five years inside of our house.

Devin Carlson
And I did all of the. Yeah, I quit my job first. I did. Our mom quit her job. And then our dad, when he did, we were like, okay, this is like real.

This is real. So we, like, I tried to go to college. I really was like, kind of embarrassed about, like, it was weird because no one was starting companies. Like, it was me and Sydney. Kind of like Sydney more so because she was like a freshman and it was taking time away from hanging out with her friends.

Sydney Carlson
Like, weird. It was weird to be doing business. So it wasn't like as supported as it is now. So kind of see that? Cuz they're like, what are you doing?

Alex Cooper
And it was. No, it was very like, you're not going to college. And we're like, I had one friend in high school throughout all of this because they thought it was different and weird and like, it. It wasn't the normal. It was a lot of just like, making fun, like, like, oh, little, like, whatever we would.

Sydney Carlson
And like, posting on Instagram was like, weird. Making fun of, I think people that are now beginning the TikTok phase of, like, feeling embarrassed that if, like, kids find their TikTok, it's like, embarrassing because people are like, oh, it's embarrassing. And it's like, no, no, it's not. Why is it a very normal. Have you guys ever talked to Miley about that whole blow up and moment?

Devin Carlson
I did. Recent, not like recently, but beginning of this year. One of our friends was working with her and I got the opportunity to meet her and hang out with her. We actually saw her a lot, which is really great and really cool. And I just kept being like, I owe so much to you.

You don't understand. It's really fucking cool to see how much you guys have grown and also how close you guys are still. It hasn't broken up the family. No. If anything, it was like, our family depends on this.

So if everyone's not holding up their part of the bargain, then we're not gonna have a roof over our head. So it was like, literally we had to work. I mean, I feel like now we're at a point where we've been able, we're lucky enough to build a team that we genuinely trust and have been able to delegate enough stuff out. So now it's like, I feel like I'm actually starting to live my college years since I, like, worked through my real college years. But I mean, I'm just so endlessly happy and grateful and, like, just.

Sydney Carlson
It's still very surreal. It's crazy. Girls, we're gonna talk about your dating lives. Take your sip of alcohol. Here we go.

Alex Cooper
I'm gonna go back and forth between both of you, okay? I'm gonna give you each the love and the attention that you deserve. Devin, we're starting with you, sweetie. Okay. Are you currently dating anyone?

Devin Carlson
Um, yes. How serious is it? Has he met your family? Tell us. Well, there.

There's, like, blushing. She's blushing. He.

She doesn't know what to say. Take your time. He's really. He's like.

Alex Cooper
Just share where you're comfortable. Like, fun stuff. Well, we. So obviously, I was in a relationship for a very long time, a public relationship, and we had, like, the most mutual breakup ever, and we still are totally chill and friends and I. And supportive of each other and whatever, and.

Devin Carlson
But then I was like, holy fuck, I'm single for the first time in my entire life. Well, adult life, basically. And I just went on a wild journey that's, I feel like lasted almost a year ish. And so the guy I'm currently with was a part of that early on and has just kind of been with me back and forth through that. But now we're exclusively seeing each other, and he has made it through my craziest moments and still likes me for whatever reason.

Alex Cooper
Thank you for sharing. Can you give us a little bit of an explanation when you're talking about, like, a wild year? Just. Just a little bit of what you're talking about. I was just like, zero fucks.

Devin Carlson
Like, I'll go on a date with anyone right now. Like, just really throwing myself out there and making up for lost time and having so much fun. Good for you. I kept being, like, nervous that no one, like, no one was gonna, like, like me or hit on me. I was so insecure about it.

Alex Cooper
I get it. When you're in a long term relationship, first, it's a little shocking to end that. Whether it was, like, a good breakup, bad breakup, it's like, I'm single. What does it even mean? Like, how do I even act?

What the fuck do I do? And so you just went, like, a little wild and you had a fucking great year. Yeah. I just kept being, like, scared that people were thinking that I, like thinking I was being crazy, but in my head, I'm like, I have never really done this. There's no way that I'm being crazy.

Did you think she was being crazy? Yes. No. I thought. I thought she was more crazy at the end of your relationship.

Sydney Carlson
Okay, then out of it. So you were happy she was out of it? Yeah. It was like, honestly, the best months ever. I was like, this is the most fun we've ever had.

And it kind of was a little bit of the same feeling that, like, she had when I was in a relationship, but not as intense at all, but was just like, wow, we're really, like, just free and hanging and, like, our friend group was just like. It was just so, like, free. Right. Do you think you're more of a relationship girl? I think for being single, yeah.

Devin Carlson
From, like, the moments that I was single, I just kept finding myself, like. Like, situation. Are you single? I'm single. Are you more a relationship girl or single girl?

Sydney Carlson
Well, I don't know, because she's the type of relationship girl where she will get in multiple relationships very easily. I might be a relationship type of person, but I don't get into them very often at all. Got it. Even in high school, she had a different boyfriend every month. I think I had won maybe all four years.

Like, I just. It takes me a lot to get to that point to actually date someone. Everyone's got their own thing. Like, I have friends. Like, and that works for her totally.

Devin Carlson
She's just so harsh, and it's like. But the thing is, the things that she says aren't, like, not true. Like, she'll. She would bring up things about, like, a guy I was seeing, and I was like. Like, I was.

A guy was dropping me off at a hotel, and she was like, I thought it was your. Where she goes up to him and goes, I thought you were her Uber driver. And I was like, stop, Sydney. And he was like, hey. I was like, oh, I thought you were the Uber.

I literally said that. And then afterwards, I was like, oh, my God. I called him the Uber driver. Was he, like, mortified? He needed it.

He needed to be humbled. Okay, so you will call out shit about the guy she's seeing. Like, what the hell? She will literally be sitting on my couch and being like, make me a latte. Oh.

Sydney Carlson
And he made this guy. She was like, the other one. I was like, I want a smoothie. And he made me a smoothie, and he put chocolate chips in it. Why do you do that?

Alex Cooper
Just, like, test the boundaries. I just, like, it's very entertaining for me to watch all of this happen. So it's just like, I'm watching tv and can be a part of it. How does it make you feel when she's doing this? I just love when my sister interacts with any guy that I'm seeing at all because I feel like it takes a lot for her to be herself around people.

Okay. Right. That's why I like the new guy that I. That I'm with. The fact that she can, like, be her funny self around him, like, means more to me than, like, almost anything.

Devin Carlson
But I just could think I care a lot what my friends think. Like, if my friends don't like someone, I'm pretty. Like, when it comes to guys, I'm like, yeah, they're done. Then it's not. It's not happening.

Alex Cooper
Have you gone on any dates recently? I have been on one date my whole life. You and stuff. She said that she was like, I don't go on dates. Like, I'll see you at, like, hide or, like, I'll see you, like, stas and she's like, or they come to my house.

Devin Carlson
Yeah. Why do you think you're just, like, not dating? I. How do you meet people? I guess I.

Sydney Carlson
Stas house. I guess I. I don't. I don't know. I just.

I have never been interested in that type of dating. Like, going on dates with new people. Everyone that I have gotten into a relationship with, I have been friends with and become really close with. And then I'm like, oh, my God, we have feelings. We're dating.

Alex Cooper
Got it. Got it. I'm just not even that it's hard or uncomfortable. I just don't care to. I'm not that type of dater.

Devin Carlson
I guess she went on one date, and she was, like, group chatting us, like, who's gonna come meet up with us now? Because I was instantly not into it, and I knew I wasn't into it. I just. I guess that also I rarely find people that I feel like I could date. Seriously.

Sydney Carlson
I don't know. There's some people that I'm like, okay, there's something about this person that I could like, but that happens very rarely. I think that's fair. Yeah. Okay.

Alex Cooper
How would you each describe each other's type?

Sydney Carlson
Oh, I'm curious what you will say. Sydney likes, like, well, they have to be funny. Okay. Funnier than you. Sydney has to find them funny.

Alex Cooper
Okay. Which is, like, unique sense of humor.

Devin Carlson
She kind of likes when they're like, I don't want to, like, offend anyone. Go for it. What are you gonna say? But she likes, like.

What'S the nicest way to put it? I know. I don't know. Sydney likes interesting looking people. Like, they have to be unique looking.

There's something, like, almost off about them, or their style is very, like, weird. Like, the normal person would be like, they're weird. That's Sydney's type. And what do you say back to that? I would agree.

Sydney Carlson
That's a funny way to describe it. How would you describe it? I just, like, I'm really attracted to men who are, like, very comfortable in themselves and who they are and, like, don't just give off that vibe. Like, they don't care what other people think of them and they will wear whatever they want, look however they want, and they're just like, confident in that and who they are. I think it makes me very comfortable around them and be like, I could totally be myself, say whatever I want, wear whatever I want.

And they would be like, that's cool. Give me devin's type. Honestly, you're kind of all over the place with the types. Is it musicians all through and through? Usually musicians, always an attraction.

Alex Cooper
Not my fault. Okay. What? Like, it can be a musician. Okay.

Sydney Carlson
And that ranges in all areas. Okay. But as long as they're a musician, I think she's some sort of attraction. Is it because they sing to you? No, I find.

Devin Carlson
I just find, like, what Sunny said, like, when someone so themselves, like, that to me is so attractive, like, when they just don't, like, they aren't trying to impress anyone. It. And I think that they're cool. Totally. Like, I just think that that's.

Or I find them interesting. But, like, the musician part, I think dating wise, my lifestyle just works well with someone who's like. Like, our schedules usually work better when it's like we're constantly both traveling. You're a backstage bitch. That's fucking fun.

Sydney Carlson
Backstage lifestyle? Well, we were dancers. We like music. But it's just funny because half of my life, I'm literally like, I like the music that I like is never really like the guys that I. Right.

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call her daddy. Offer applies only to your first box, subject to consultation. New subscribers only. Subscription required. Fiona, you kind of talked about how you had an intense relationship that you guys had a little, like, not falling out, but you just kind of press pause in your relationship.

Alex Cooper
Devin, how did you approach handling when you didn't like who Sidney was dating? We just did not talk about it, but I knew. Okay, it was very. But it was more so because my boyfriend and her boyfriend weren't, like, didn't really mesh, and he was like, they didn't ever want to be in the same place. So not because anything had happened, it was more just like, no communication was the communication.

Devin Carlson
So it was just constantly avoiding each other. And then I was like, obviously have to be loyal to the person that I was with, and she felt the same. So then we were just kind of, like, coexisting and working together. So when you guys would work, would you just, like, not talk? I mean, we were so busy.

There was not talking, but we had customer service, and she was packing and shipping every order. And so it was like, literally just hours of me. Me responding or answering phone calls, and Sydney just like, but we wouldn't hang. Out outside of that. And did your parents know what was going on?

Sydney Carlson
Yeah. Yeah. They weren't too fond of him either. I don't think anybody was. But I also think everyone has to have a relationship like that.

It was, like, such an insane experience, but I'm so glad it happened. Like, I forever am, like, so grateful of that relationship. And I also was, like, I think I met him when I was, like, 1819, and it lasted till I was, like, 22. So it was like, a lot of. I was young, and that was kind of my first big, intense relationship, and it just took everything out of me.

And I had never been in something that intense. And, I mean, I talk about it. It's not like something I hide at all. But he was a drug addiction, and that was something that kind of developed over the years and also something that I didn't know much about being so young, I didn't know what anything was or, like, what was bad, what wasn't, and also something that I didn't want to talk to my family about or my friends about. You know, how do you, like, tell your friends and family that that's what you're dealing with and going through?

So, like, that kind of ate at me inside and took a lot of, like, everything out of me that just consumed me. Like, I bleached my hair. Classic. When you're in, like, a terrible relationship and, like, my hair was falling out, I had, like, an eating disorder. I stopped talking to a lot of my friends, my family, like, talking, and I just, like, consumed it all in myself because it was so, like, I was trying to help him and be there for him, but also, like, he wasn't giving that to me.

It was, like, the lowest lows I've ever had. But also, when it was great, it felt, like, amazing. So, like, I held onto those moments, and it was just a lot. But, you know, our parents have been together since they went to prom together in high school. Like, they.

Devin Carlson
My parents were each other's first boyfriend and girlfriend, and they're still together. They're, like, so growing up, that was, like, my view of what love is. Like. You find that one and you do anything to make it work, which is amazing, and I'm so glad we have that and that they have that. But also getting into a relationship like that, I'm like, I will fight for this.

Sydney Carlson
I will do anything to keep it, you know, no matter how much it hurts or whatever. Like, this is what love is. And I had to learn that's not the truth. You know, when it hurts you that bad, that's when you don't. You know, you say, this isn't right.

Alex Cooper
I thank you for sharing that because I had something similar in high school, that was, like, my first love. And I really think a lot of people will relate to, like, the good is, like, in moments. Cause it's so good. Cause you're contrasting the awfulness of those moments. And so you're, like, holding on to the good.

And I think that, like, I mean, everyone knows once you're out of it and you're like, oh, I did distance myself for my friends and family. You can look back, but when you're fucking in it, it's literally. You're just trying. You're blinded. You're completely blind.

Sydney Carlson
I had no idea. And it honestly took a few years out of that to just get back to, like, myself. I, like, I didn't even think about dating or, like, seeing other people. I was just like, okay, I need to get back to, like, myself and, like, my friends and my family and, like, focus on myself. And after that, like, that took a few years.

I'm, like, currently the best I've ever been. And, like, Carlson. Clap. So content being alone. Almost too content where I'm like, I would rather stay home than go out at this point, but I probably could be in a relationship if I wanted to right now.

But I'm very content now knowing. Have you guys had conversations about, like, fuck, we can never let this happen to each other again and, like, lose each other in those moments. Yeah, I was pretty, like, when she. When I. She called me and I was at breakfast with my boyfriend, and she was like, he cheated on me.

Devin Carlson
He cheated on me. We just broke up. And I dropped everything, didn't even finish my meal, and just immediately drove home. It's happening. Called.

I literally was like, oh, God, it's happening. Everyone's like, I know. And so I called our childhood best friend, who basically was, like, Sydney's second older sister. I was like, they broke up. She's like, I'm on my way.

So we all literally, I called everyone and we all got there as fast as we could. And then my best friend Nicole and I took Sydney to Disneyland the next day. And we kept being like. Cause the friends that she had had at that time that she was, like, closest with, I felt like, didn't ever, like, tell her, like, get the fuck out of there. Like, a lot of the friends that wanted, she.

It was like she didn't want to hear what we were saying necessarily. And I was like, we gotta show her what it's, like to, like, be treated right, have really good friends and healthy relationships. And so I was, like, welcoming Sydney in with open arms to anything we were doing, I was, like, always inviting my sister, even if she didn't come 20 times in a row. I was like, you're invited. You're invited, you're invited, you're invited.

Until she finally started coming and having fun and then getting comfortable, and then she just blossomed into the Sydney that we've known all along. How did you find out he cheated the girl? Well, the last time, the girl talking multiple times, which time the girl dm'd me, and it was classic. He was classic. He was also a musician, but was on tour and it happened somewhere.

Sydney Carlson
And she, like, sent me photos in. His shirt and was like, that feeling. When you find out and you're like, I don't even know what to do with myself right now. Oh, my God, my stomach. I, like, all my anxiety.

Everything goes to my stomach. Which is why I think it made me, like, just not eat, because that's immediately what I feels in my stomach. And I was, like, so lost because I didn't have close friends. I barely talked to my family. I felt like my world was like, oh, my God, this can't end.

Like, I'm like, thank you for cheating on me. That was, like, the best thing I've ever done. The moment, the shit that sucks, then you look back and you're like, thank fucking God. Yeah, I am. Because if it wasn't that, I may have still been in that shit.

Alex Cooper
And look where you are fucking now.

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Alex Cooper
Do you guys have fake accounts? Yeah, I have, like, ten accounts. Course I have. Like, I'm like, how many do I have? I have, like, this stalker account.

Sydney Carlson
Wednesday you'll be stopped, of course. Oh, I am psycho CSI. I love it. Oh, she actually is. I love that.

Alex Cooper
Like, I love you even more now because she's like. She's like, well, no, I win. My ex boyfriend used to go on tour when we got back. Cause we dated, we broke up, then we got back together, and that was like the seven year. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Devin Carlson
I, in the beginning, was a fucking maniac. I don't know how he put up with me. I love it. I would create. I would go on and I would, like, look up their tour.

Or I had the tour manager, like, he forwarded me their tour schedule. So I would go to every venues Instagram page and, like, watch every story of everyone that was there and then look at, like, the girls, everyone's profile. That was their tagged photos, everything. I actually really respect you for admitting it because I think there's no shame in stalking. Like, who gives a fuck?

Alex Cooper
It's too. Everyone does it. Everyone say, you know, you're lying. I know every, like, even this guy that I had gone on a few dates with, he like, dm me. And it was the first time that I had gone and met up with someone over DM that I didn't previously know.

Devin Carlson
But, like, he knew people that I knew and whatever. And so I was like, okay. And we hung out, and he's like, so we just gonna act like we haven't, like, completely stopped. I love that.

Suddenly it was like he was bringing up things, and I was bringing up things, and then I was like, suddenly I'm 20 times more comfortable with you. It feels like I know you already. We were arguing by the end of the date, and I was just like, perfect. Well, because it's also like, let's just keep it real. I know who your ex girlfriend is already, and this is our first date, and I know who she is, where she works.

Alex Cooper
I like to just get it. I agree. Let's just get it out there. Yeah. Girls, we're about to play a game.

We're like, okay, go under your seats. You have these two little cards. Basically, we're gonna play which sister do not. I'm just feeling under the chair. Okay, so we're playing which sister is more likely to.

Okay, and so don't show each other. But, like, basically I'm gonna ask and you'll hold up whichever. Whichever sister is more likely to. Okay, okay, okay. Which sister is more likely to be the favorite child?

Wait, why? No shit. Honestly, Sydney gets away with everything I always got in trouble for. It's always 50 times crazier things, but. I always get the youngest child.

Youngest child. I think that's just the youngest thing. Which sister is more likely to take something from the other sister's closet without asking?

This is a great moment. You're both taking accountability. Well, because I just want to avoid. The thing is, I'm like, if I ask, it's gonna start drama before the night goes out or whatever. I would rather postpone the drama and deal with it later so I can just feel good, wear the top that I want to wear, and then I.

Sydney Carlson
Think I could steal it and get away with it. I feel like you would sneaky little ask. No, no. She hasn't noticed. You don't do shit.

Alex Cooper
Okay. Which sister is more likely to post drunk on Instagram?

Devin Carlson
It used to be me, but I. Feel like still you. What do you drunkenly post? You just not give a fuck. You're like, post.

Sydney Carlson
Like, she'll just post. She just does. I'll just say something so funny and be like, yeah, this is my bit for. And then the next you wake up morning, I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, but then I'm like, it's too late.

Devin Carlson
You can't. Yeah, right. Cause then they know you regret it. And then you can't delete it. Just leave it.

Alex Cooper
Which sister is more likely to give better head?

Sydney Carlson
Like, ourselves? We're like. We're like both ourselves. Like, hi. For every animal.

Alex Cooper
I love that. I love that. Okay, great, you guys, great head game. Which sister is more likely to fuck on the first date?

Sydney Carlson
Like, I don't go on dates. Remember on the first hangout? Like, that doesn't. But guess what? She goes on more dates.

More. Okay, there you go. There you go. I have never fucked on the first date. I love that for you, Sydney.

Alex Cooper
Get it in and get it out. Okay, goodbye. Which sister is more likely to, if they were ever to go on a reality show?

Do you want to go on one? She has been trying to get our family on a reality show since she was in high school for like a. Year worth, like, talking to people about doing dollars show. But I would watch it. One viewer get canceled after one season.

Which sister is more likely to text their ex when drunk? Love that for you. Are you literally just staring at it and be like. She won't even like, tell anyone. She'll do it'll just be like, a random person, my random choosing of the night.

Devin Carlson
And I'll be like, fuck who I. Am out of her language. And everyone's like, Devin, what are you doing? Devin? And she's like, like, so, like, yeah.

Sydney Carlson
She's like, also, she doesn't get, like, scary. It's like, she will text her ex, do whatever, and then the next morning, she'll be like, that. Last night was so fun. And I'm like, what? Like, how do you do?

Devin Carlson
More than that? She doesn't get, like, any. I love being. It's admirable. Which sister is more likely to have a threesome?

Alex Cooper
Have you had a threesome? She won't call it that, but she. Won'T call it that because there was.

There were four. Boom. I'm even better. Even better. I love that for you.

Was it fun or was it awkward? No, it was great. Great. And it was. My friend was there.

Sydney Carlson
Oh, it was like, so. It was totally fine. It was fun. Okay, good for you. Which sister is more likely to get kicked out of the club?

Loki? Devin, what the fuck are you doing in pub? Why are you crazy? I'm really clumsy, so I knock over.

Devin Carlson
That's why. It wouldn't be because I'm like. It would be because I'm. I've had two drinks, and I, like, go, like, not trying to find Vegas. Yeah.

And we. I went with, like, some of my old dance friends, and we kept knocking over the champagne, and the guy picked up the bottle and he goes, you're done. And we were like, not even drink. Just because she keeps knocking. But I feel like you guys are so connected.

Alex Cooper
You'd be like, um, stas, get me back in. She'd be like, security's coming. Tell them you're with Stas. It's so good. It's so good.

Okay, which one? Oh, my God, this is a sad one. Which sister is more likely to get cheated on? We all know the answer to this. I would never let that.

Devin Carlson
I would literally go.

Alex Cooper
Absolutely stop. If I found out they were with someone, I'd be like, who the fuck? I'm honestly the face of being cheated on. I mean, you're over it. Yeah.

You're done. You're not gonna blow up. It gave me. Yeah, you're. You're gonna be fine.

Alex Cooper
You're stand. Okay, which sister is more likely to cheat in a relationship? Do not say that. I honestly don't think either of us would. Loyal, loyal, lovely girls.

Just so, so lovely. Okay. Yeah. No one's cheating here. We're just getting cheated on over here.

Devin Carlson
Fuck us. Come on. Okay, which sister is more likely to say, slide in and dm a celebrity?

Sydney Carlson
I don't think. No, I've never dmed anyone. You wanna open your phone? I literally have. Really?

You've never dmed anyone? No, I've never gone out of my way to, like, dm someone that I don't. Whatever. I think it's funny sometimes. I haven't in a while.

Devin Carlson
Sydney does it all the time. Takes a screenshot. Unsettlings. I do that to make her laugh. I'll dm someone funny and then unsend it.

Alex Cooper
Okay. Which sister is more likely to be in an open relationship? None. I think I'm too. I've literally had gone jealous.

Devin Carlson
Yeah. I've gone through moments where I'm like, oh, I could totally. If I was, like, constantly told that I was, like, the one, I need. A lot of reinforcement. So if she's, like, not shit, sure.

But I honestly, I don't think that it'd be fair to, like, the other girls or whatever. Yeah, you don't have to give us a sweet. You're, like, the reason I'm gonna be. The shit I'm down for, like, friends with benefits, where it's like, okay, you. I know that you're hooking up, but if we're dating, dating, I make you my boyfriend.

Alex Cooper
I agree. Also, because if I make someone my boyfriend, I don't want to be dating other people. That's not my intentions. So why would we ever do ever? I want to know both of you.

Cindy, you can go first. What is the toxic that you, like, attract? And you're like, fuck, I hate it that I'm attracted. We all like the toxic. And then how are you toxic in a relationship?

Sydney Carlson
Ooh, I think the toxic I'm attracted to because this could also be someone who's non toxic. But it mainly is. Is, like, big personalities. Like, people who are very much their own life, their own ways, big personalities. I could get wrapped up in their life easily in a bad way.

Interesting. But it's, like, exciting and fun to do. But, like, it's obviously bad because I'm, like, separated from my own life so that I don't know how I'm toxic in relationships. Maybe because I give too much of myself. Like, toxic in, like, bad way for myself.

Alex Cooper
Oh, my God. You're like an angel. You're like, I am not. Because I'm like, I already know this. Jealous over here.

Just wait to get to me. But I hear what you're like, you're like, oh, okay, let me go. Okay, so. But I get what you're saying. You just kind of give yourself too much.

You like? Yes. Yourself. Yeah. Okay.

Alex Cooper
We're not letting that happen. But I'm not doing it anymore. Nope. So don't get any ideas. Sydney was actually the best, like, most thoughtful, like, girlfriend ever.

Devin Carlson
Like, even for, like, I love shopping. I'm really good shopping. I'll give you the best, like, most thoughtful gift, but words. Sydney will write you a book and, like, make it so, so embarrassing. No, it's cute.

Alex Cooper
I think we should normalize, like, cute shit for relationships. Like, oh, you're a sister. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, please. Okay.

Shut up. Please. We're in love, right? What toxic are you attracting, Devin? And how are you toxic?

I know we kind of heard about. Your fake account, but I think the toxic that I'm attracted to is, like, someone who's, like, good with their words or, like, knows is witty. Yeah, I think that people like that just know how to get what they want. And I think that maybe I know. How to get what I want.

I get that. No, that's like a scary combo where. You'Re bringing back the energy. So you are good me something, then I'm gonna give it back. But, like, slightly more to the point of, like, we're gonna drive each other absolutely insane.

Lastly, who has, like, a crazy fucking dating story, whether it was a one night stand, whether it was a bad hookup gone wrong, bad sex. I have, like, a really, like, it should be a bad date, but it ended up being a good date. Share it, share it. We're here for it. We love storytime.

Devin Carlson
Um, I was in New York, and it was the day after Valentine's Day. And we had been, like, we had gone on a couple dates before, but it was, like, only whenever I was visiting. And he had just gotten into town and he was like, okay, I'll pick you up and we'll go out to dinner. And then he texts me before and he's like, would you want to see a movie? And I was like, no, I'm fucking hungry.

I want to eat. And so he's like, I said, I'm pretty hungry. And he was like, okay, well, I'm not gonna get there for like an hour. And it was like, 08:00 at this point. And Sydney was in a room under me at our hotel.

So I kept going through the staff stairs, and I went into her room and I was like, it's not gonna be here for another hour. She's very fucking serious. I was like, I'm so hungry, I wanna do so. She, like, sits on my bed. So I was, like, in such a pissy mood.

Then I stopped answering him, and then he called me, and he was like, I'm sorry, I'm running even later than I thought. Like, I don't think I'm gonna get there till, like, 930, red flags. I was like, he's like, do you just wanna go see a movie? And I was like, I'm so hungry. I was like, I don't understand.

Like, I'm so hungry and why, whatever. So we're already arguing, and then I ended up hanging up, and he's like, what are you gonna do? And I was like, well, I'm gonna eat. Like, I'm. If you don't want to come out here.

And I thought we were gonna go to dinner. I've been waiting to eat, right? Then I'm gonna go eat. And he's like, where are you going? Whatever he, like, told me, gave me a recommendation of a good place to go.

And so I go there and he's like, calling me. And I was like, decline, decline, decline. Like, whatever. And he's like, okay, well, I'm at the restaurant that we were gonna meet at. And I was like, okay, well, I'm not.

And he was like, do you want me to pick you up? And I was like, obviously, it's February in New York. I'm not fucking walking right. Granted, it was one block away. Get in the car, bitch.

Sydney Carlson
That was me. I was like, it takes longer to drive. I was like, you know where I am. And so then he obviously pulled around, knew exactly where I was, came in, got me in the car, and he's like, I can't believe you just made me drive a block. I was like, I can't believe you were an hour and a half late to eight.

Devin Carlson
And so we ended up going on this date, and I was just like, zero fucks at this point. He, like, parks, we walk in, we sit, we start eating, and we're just, like, roasting each other, going on and on, having so much fun. The bill comes, he's like, no. Forgot his wallet. He's the one.

Sydney Carlson
I called anybody. Are you fucking serious? And he starts dying laughing. And I just kept being like, I'm so excited to how you make this up for me because I'm like, I'm not gonna let this go. So I pay for dinner.

Devin Carlson
And then he's like, okay, well, let me. I'll drive you home. Back to your one block away. Thank you. And I'm, like, sitting here.

I'm like, oh, my God, I'm such a princess. We go outside. His car's towed.

Alex Cooper
No, no. Gone. Gone. The car is gone. And we just started looking at each other.

Devin Carlson
We were dying, laughing. And then. Did you give him a kiss and go home? You didn't even. Did you kiss him?

Yeah, we slept together. What do you mean Devin fucked him? What do you mean? Like, what are you talking about? We fully fucked.

Alex Cooper
I gave the best heck of his life, and I went and got his car, and I paid for the show in the morning. I bought it, and I got his car back. When a man does that, he's like, ooh, go fuck yourself. Like, dude, the fact that you're like. And I fucked him, I was like, okay, this is what dating is.

Sydney Carlson
Yeah. You have such a good story. You're right. Like, the ups and downs, the amount of times I can look back in my twenties, even my teens of the time, that you're trying to play it off cool, like, but you're waiting and you're waiting. But it was.

Devin Carlson
Honestly, it was. We had such a fun time. And in the morning, he, like, bought me, like, a huge bouquet of flowers. It was beautiful. And then he dropped me off, and then he saw the uber and that she roasted him.

Alex Cooper
And that's what you said. I thought you were the Uber driver. Deserved. We. Why?

What kind of car did he drive? It looks like. Like the black Lincoln. Like, yeah, yeah. Like, can I get in next going wise?

Devin Carlson
I was waving at her out of the front seat. Like, I was like, why? She just. Front seat of the uber, dude, I love it. I also love how you roast.

Alex Cooper
Kind of the guys they deserve. They're like, great. I don't think I've ever dated, like, an not great guy. Like, I don't really have any bad things to say about anyone that I've, like. Do you agree with that statement?

Sydney Carlson
Uh, yeah. I don't think they're bad guys at all. They're just a little cringy sometimes, and. You point it out. Yes.

Alex Cooper
I'm like, guys, we love you. I love you guys. Thank you for coming on. Call her daddy.

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