Business Wars Daily


Dive into the high-stakes world of business with "Business Wars Daily" from Wondery. This engaging podcast delivers daily episodes that offer a revealing look at some of the biggest corporate rivalries and the powerful personalities driving them. Whether it's the latest tussle between tech giants or an underdog story in the local marketplace, "Business Wars Daily" provides an insightful analysis that keeps listeners hooked with its compelling narrative style. Each episode dissects strategies, unveils the economics behind the conflicts, and explores how these battles shape what consumers buy and use every day. Listeners can expect a fresh episode each weekday, packed with intriguing details and expert commentary that shed light on the inner workings of industries. The podcast not only entertains but also educates, making complex business concepts accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a business professional, student, or just curious about the economic forces that impact our lives, "Business Wars Daily" is the perfect resource to stay informed and entertained. Join us as we uncover the stories behind the business battles that define our world, one episode at a time.


  • Spotify Tries to Lure Book Lovers

    In this episode of Business Wars Daily, hosted by David Brown from Wondery, the focus is on Spotify's recent venture into the audiobook market. Initially famous for its music streaming services, Spotify began diversifying into podcasts in 2019 with significant acquisitions, and has now made a notable push into audiobooks. Last fall, Spotify launched an audiobook feature for its paid subscribers, offering access to 200,000 titles. This move, while broadening Spotify's content library, has sparked discussions about the fairness of its pricing and payment models, especially in comparison with Audible, its main competitor. The episode explores the challenges Spotify has faced, including industry pushback from publishers and authors, and the implications of its pricing structure. As Spotify rolls out its audiobook feature to more regions, it continues to navigate the complexities of competing in the digital content market.