The Grinch is TINY???

Primary Topic

This episode from "Brain Leak" explores the surprisingly tiny scale of the Whos and the Grinch from Dr. Seuss's famous story, relating it to various cosmic and philosophical ideas in a humorous tone.

Episode Summary

In this engaging episode, hosts Seán McLoughlin and Ethan Nestor delve into the whimsical idea that the Grinch, along with the Whos of Whoville, are microscopic beings living on a snowflake. They humorously discuss how the Grinch's size challenges our traditional perceptions of the story and relate these thoughts to broader themes of relativity and existence. The conversation is filled with a mix of scientific references, existential ponderings, and light-hearted banter, making complex ideas both accessible and entertaining. This episode stretches the imagination, asking how something as monumental as stealing Christmas is managed by characters who are so incredibly tiny.

Main Takeaways

  1. The Whos and the Grinch are microscopic, existing on a snowflake.
  2. The episode uses humor and science to explore philosophical ideas.
  3. The hosts question how traditional narratives change when viewed through the lens of scale and relativity.
  4. There's a playful discussion on the impact of the Grinch's actions within such a tiny universe.
  5. The conversation also touches on broader implications for how we understand time and space.

Episode Chapters

1: The Scale of Whoville

Seán and Ethan start with a lighthearted discussion about encountering a loud noise at a coffee shop and transition into the realization that the Whos are microscopic beings. Seán McLoughlin: "I heard one of those daps in the wild at a coffee shop." Ethan Nestor: "They live on a snowflake!"

2: The Grinch's Size

The discovery that the Grinch is also tiny, and not a giant creature as often perceived, leads to a humorous exploration of his role in Whoville. Ethan Nestor: "Is the Grinch tiny? Just hairy?" Seán McLoughlin: "He's microscopic, which really changes the story!"

3: Philosophical Implications

Discussion turns to the philosophical and existential implications of the Whos' tiny existence, comparing their lifespan to the brief journey of a falling snowflake. Seán McLoughlin: "Their whole planet is contained within a snowflake." Ethan Nestor: "How did he steal Christmas without time?"

4: Relativity and Existence

The hosts delve into how relativity affects our perception of time and space, drawing parallels with scenes from popular movies like 'Interstellar'. Ethan Nestor: "Time is relative, you know, that's a given." Seán McLoughlin: "When they shrink everything down that small..."

Actionable Advice

  1. Embrace new perspectives: Use the episode’s discussion to view familiar stories in new ways.
  2. Consider the relative nature of existence: Reflect on how different scales of life might perceive the universe.
  3. Engage with science and philosophy humorously: Use humor to make complex subjects more relatable and enjoyable.
  4. Explore existential themes in everyday discussions.
  5. Be open to bizarre scientific explanations for fictional narratives, enhancing creativity and critical thinking.

About This Episode

This week on an all new Brain Leak, the boys kick things off with a surprisingly thought-provoking deep-dive into the Who’s, you know…the ones from Whoville that live in Snowflakes? This, of course, leads to a rousing discussion on the super powers of Santa Claus, which leads into even larger life questions that the guys attempt to answer…it’s an especially Brain Leaky episode, emphasis on the BRAIN.


Seán McLoughlin, Ethan Nestor





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Seán McLoughlin
Brain leak. One, two, three. Ooh. I dabbed myself up. I heard one of those daps.

You know, the ones you see on TikTok that's like poop. And it, like, resonates throughout existence. Like it's a big bang that happened, and all existence comes out from it. People heard it back through time. I heard one of those in the.

I heard one of those in the wild. I was at a coffee shop, and the guy came in and shattered all the glass in the building. Did everyone look and go? No. Only I looked.

And I thought something in my head exploded. But I felt the pressure wave. It wasn't just me. That's awesome. Do you think that you know who's in Whoville?

Yeah. Do you think that that could have been their big bang? Explain. I'm not. I'm not too familiar with their game.

Ethan Nestor
Well, the who's, you know, they live on a snowflake, and the. So the liberals got it. Lifespan. Wait, hold on. Hold on.

They go from the sky. Uh huh. Uh huh. They go from the sky. Then the snowflake falls all the way down to the snow.

Then it melts. That's the entire existence of a who. Which. Somebody on Reddit did the math, and it's. They translated that into human time.

Anyway, that's all the who. The. The big bang starts when the snowflake is formed and the world ends when the snowflake hits the ground and melts. Anywho, do you think that somebody dapping somebody else up could have been their big bang? Cause he's so small.

They live on a snowflake. I had no idea about the whos, the Whovians until just now. What are. What are they? They don't interact with, like, the Grinch or something, do they?

Seán McLoughlin
Like, what are they? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the Grinch people. The who's down in Whoville. Well, so how does the Grinch.

Is the Grinch in a snowflake as well? The Grinch is also in a snowflake, but the Grinch, see, there were these. Shit, what are they called? They're basically storks. I can't remember.

Ethan Nestor
The. The tumber sellers. The tumber sellers. They're the tumber sellers. Okay, so the.

The who's live on a snowflake. And then I think it's some, like, neighboring town or something. Cause it's the same snowflake. So I don't think he came from another snowflake. But the Grinch is not a who.

He's a he's a what? Is what? They say he's a what? So is he tiny? The Grinch is tiny?

Yeah. Just hairy. What? I thought the Grinch was like us. How is he stealing Christmas?

Seán McLoughlin
He's microscopic. Well. And who's doing this manufacturing so small? It's really the biggest question here is, because the who's are all about. They're all about Christmas, all about giving gifts and whatnot.

Ethan Nestor
How are they getting these things so small? I think it's the japanese, because I've gotten some stuff out of gachapon, like balls, and I've seen Tiktoks of guy getting, like, little DJ sets and they're like this big, but they're so detailed. But I haven't seen anybody else have that technology. That's true. I had no idea the Grinch was so tiny.

Seán McLoughlin
So when they say his heart grew three times too big, it's like you still have an ant sized heart. Not even. Not even ant. Think of a snow. They're whole.

Ethan Nestor
The whole planet is contained within a snowflake. How did he steal Christmas? He didn't even have time. And you can't even see. You can't even see any detail on Snowflake without a microscope, you know?

So now imagine going into the snowflake. It's unbelievable. Could you extend their lifespan just by keeping that Snowflake aloft? Just like who? Well, you wouldn't be keeping the lifespan of the individual, who would not change.

But the lifespan of, you know, the. We'll call it the planet. It's a snowflake, but we'll call it the planet. They don't need no time to. Fuckers.

Seán McLoughlin
How do. Whose fuck. Well, is time relative to them? Oh, extremely. That's the whole thing?

Ethan Nestor
That's the whole thing. Sean, you ever seen interstellar? When they go to that different planet and it's seven years per hour or whatever, it's crazy, I know. So time is relative. You know, that's a given.

And so when you shrink everything down to that small. Let me pull up the Reddit post, because some beautiful soul out there did the math of. I can't believe I thought, how did they get Jim Carrey into that tiny suit? Shrunk em down, honey. I shrunk the kids.

Seán McLoughlin
They did that thing, honey, I shrunk the gym. I thought he was just the size of us and they were just tiny people. I thought they were. Well, because it's whimsical. They're small.

Ethan Nestor
Well, I mean, it's all relative. You know, if the average who is. Or if the grinch with relativity is our size, the who would just be like a little hobbit. Yes, but this changes the fundamental understanding of Christmas. And the Grinch stealing it.

Seán McLoughlin
I thought he was a rival to Santa Claus. I thought it was like, oh, the Grinch stole Christmas. He's going up against Santa, pulls out his fucking Grinch mobile and fucking shoots Santa's kneecaps and then takes all the presents. He's not competing with shit. Who's he giving these gifts to?

Who's he stealing it from? What's happening? Well, he's stealing all the gifts from the who. And also, I think you're the band. Well, hold on, hold on.

Ethan Nestor
I think you're misunderstanding Santa. Okay. Santa also tiny. I. It's.

Seán McLoughlin
I've already seen the Grinch once when I was a kid. Okay, Santa versus the normal man. What does Santa have that no. Other man has? A big jolly belly.

Ethan Nestor
No. My uncle has one of those. Magic. Magic? Yes.

Magic, yes. Normal man cannot fit down a chimbley. Right. Normal man can't make reindeer fly. It's true.

Normal man can't. Can't enslave an entire population and make them work for him. Yeah. Well, we do. We have a history of that.

Yeah. Santa and his elves, it's. He's just like the white man. It's like the Stockholm syndrome a little bit, you know? Do the elves really want to be working?

That's fucked. But anyway, Santa has magic. Yeah. Damn. So while Santa's going around.

That's got it. It has to be his first. That's fucking with relativity, for sure. Like, when Santa shrinks down, is he losing time or gaining it? Ooh.

Seán McLoughlin
Is that why he's able to do it all in one night? Man. Any science people in chat right now is missing time. Can you tell us the physics of Santa's magic? Well, so somebody on Reddit asked request.

Ethan Nestor
This is under r. They did the math. What is the time difference for the who's in Whoville versus Utz watching the two thousands Grinch movie? And the movie starts off with saying the who's lived inside of a snowflake. So how long is the life of a who versus us?

If that means. Since what? Okay, I don't need to hear the math, because they're going to show their work for sure. Oh, well, they do. And it is confusing, but it's kind of cool.

According to some random source, a snowflake takes 45 seconds to fall to the ground. If we match that to the current age of the earth, which is 4.5 billion years plus the assumed window. Earth can continue to support life for which is 1.75 billion years. According to some other random source. That's probably the amount of time before the sun explodes.

Seán McLoughlin
That's when. That's way later. This is just until we totally annihilate each other, which. 1.75 billion is pretty good track record. I don't think that we're gonna last another hundred years.

No. I think the dinosaurs really had it figured out. No phones. They're all just like, isn't this great? All of us out here grazing.

No one on their phones. Oh, fuck.

Did you see that? There was that big, like, meteor shower that happened, and the sky turned blue recently. No places. Oh, well, a big meteor. Oh, Portugal.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, yeah, yeah, in Portugal. And then somebody had a little geese on their farm with the geese. Someone posted it and was like, this is the most accurate source footage that we have as far as to how the dinosaurs reacted to the beast. Especially if feathered creatures are, like, ancestors of the dinosaurs. It's like, hmm, what's that?

Seán McLoughlin
Ooh, piece of dirt. Oh, mother of God. Annihilation is coming. And we're all dead. Cause the main goose in the frame looked up and around, and then the ones in the back were still just eating.

Ethan Nestor
Like, this is great, brothers. It has been fun, but our time has come. One of the geese takes out a little trumpet, starts playing, taps sinking up. The Titanic brain leak. I'm a hot, hot sleeper.

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Go there, sleep better, save your own life. Brain leak. Anyway, the assumed window earth can continue to support life is 1.75 billion years, according to some other random source. Then the 45 minutes from creation to cataclysmic collision. That is the lifespan of the whose home?

The snowflake. Wait, you mean 45 seconds, right? You said 45 minutes. No, I mean. I mean 45 minutes.

Did I say 45 seconds before? At the very start? Yeah. How long it takes a snowflake to fall? I misspoke.

According to some random snow source, a snowflake takes 45 minutes to fall to the ground. Oh, as in, like in the cloud forming, crystallizing, and then. Ah, that you meant as soon as it fucking farts that bad boy out. I th. I think it is as soon as it.

Seán McLoughlin
45 minutes to fall. Damn. Yeah. You know, clouds are up there. I mean, I know, but have you ever held a snowflake?

It's like tungsten. Well, they hit the ground and cause havoc. No, they're just demolishing people's homes and lives. Okay, so then the 45 minutes from creation to cataclysm. Cataclysmic collision.

Ethan Nestor
That is the lifespan of the who's home snowflake should be equal to 6.25 billion years. Okay, so again, the math on that is it takes 45 minutes for snowflake to fall to the ground. If we match that to the current age of the earth, which I guess is conveniently 4.5 billion years, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay, so 6.25 billion years times 525,600, which is. That's how many minutes there are per year.

Okay, divided by 45 minutes equals 7.3 times ten to the 13th power, which means the who's experience time would be 100 million billion trillion, 730 quadrillion times faster than how humans interpret time. Damn. And then the post ends with get live, get busy living, or get busy dying. Am I right? Damn, that's almost like twice as long as some men last in bed.

I know, it's insane. So to your point, though, because you're like, saint.

Seán McLoughlin
So when Santa shrinks down to be the size, is he going into Whoville to deliver presents? Because they're stealing Christmas from the Whovians. In the. In the movies, there is Santa. So would he a human male Santa or is he a whovian Santa?

Ethan Nestor
Oh, man. Dude, this is really tough. Cause this is fucked. This is. We're cracking atoms here.

We're. We're finding the God particle. The Higgs boson meant nothing in comparison to the. Are we saying as well, that the Whovians are born on a snowflake? Not every snowflake.

Seán McLoughlin
Is every other snowflake parallel worlds to them? Well, I think it would be parallel worlds because the movie starts with zooming in on a snowflake and then going all. So the who's live on that one snowflake? I don't think that they have the power to communicate with other snowflakes. Mmm.

Ethan Nestor
God, this is. Have they tried yelling? Well, here's my question is it is assumed from the source material that whose whole entire life is contained within their entire history is contained within one snowflake. That snowflake living on planet Earth, falling from the sky to the ground. Which means that there is real world Santa and potentially whoville Santa.

But if we're talking about magic with Santa, originally I was like, well, Santa shrinks down every year to go and visit the who's. But they experienced times 730 quadrillion times faster than us. So Santa, he's losing. It's not like they're even making a year. Oh, my God.

There has to be. There has to be. Santa, there's no way he's shrinking down. And then time goes quadrillions faster. He misses everyone on earth several million times.

Well, no, he wouldn't. He wouldn't miss anybody on earth. Well, fuck yeah. If they would speed up. Wait, no.

Seán McLoughlin
Are they. Everything else, then outside just stops, basically, yeah. That's how he's finding the time. Well, he would, like. Microscopic bastard.

Ethan Nestor
He would go in and out of Whoville so quick that we wouldn't even notice. Yeah, but he would have to be going in and out of Whoville. Well, I guess it would only be one day. Well, you just have to allot one day. If he's shrinking down and they experience it so much faster than us, then shouldn't he be speeding up as he goes smaller?

Seán McLoughlin
And then everything on the outside is going normally for us, but for him, time is speeding up, like going near Gargantua in interstellar. Or do I have it backwards? So he would be. I. People are like, oh, do your kids still believe in Santa?

Oh, he's not real. And then it's like, that's because your kids can't see him anymore because he's in Whoville. He's. Because he's so small, he's become ant man. Sant man.

Ethan Nestor
But, Sean, if. Oh, my God. If the snowflake is falling in the whole entire universe of the who's takes 45 minutes, that means that Santa.

Santa would. Because. Hmm. He would be. Have to be going back to Whoville once a year, once a whovian year for Christmas.

Right. But the whole existence is only 45 minutes long. So is he just shrinking in and out so many times, or is he staying down there? What if the snowflake is falling? And to us, it's in 45 minutes, but to them, it's several billion years?

Well, it is. That's fucking wild. Why is no one talking about this? This changes the fundamental understanding of the fabric of space and time. I need Hank Green to, like, jump in and explain the math of Whoville.

Seán McLoughlin
And if Santa goes in and out. Cause if they're just in their own little bubble of existence, like a snow globe, and they're falling on this flake and everything else is other worlds and parallel universes and whatever, that's fine. I can accept that. The Grinch dealing Christmas. Oh, it's relative.

It's in that little pocket of super space. But if Santa's interacting with that, what. The fuck are we doing that changes everything. Also, he has that kind of power. That means he can do, probably, light speed travel.

Ethan Nestor
Oh, I mean, well, he has to be doing light speed travel anyway. Is the speed of light constant across the entire universe, depending on size? Is it the same speed to them? Oh, my God. I didn't even think about that.

Because the particles of light would be bigger to them than us, correct? Yes. I don't know how anything works. How do they breathe oxygen? I can't even do long division anymore.

Seán McLoughlin
I don't know if I could ever really do it. I hate it. God, this is green box. Please help. Brain leak.

Ethan Nestor
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Anyway, I don't even know how we got on this topic. This is like that Frankie and Joey clip where it's like, if you have a cup of water and then you freeze it, does it get heavier or lighter or like, and then it was something about like it changes its density, but it's the same. Yeah, weight or volume or something like that. Oh, no, it's happening again. Well, it wouldn't be this.

It wouldn't be the same weight. Right? I mean, you're not taking anything out of it. Yeah, but you're changing. You're just changing the density of it.

Which would make it heavier, right? I guess so. Oh, no. I knew the answer, and now I don't. Well, because.

Because if the water is freezing, the properties of the water are changing and being added to. Because it's freezing. Right. Which would make it heavier. While liquid water and frozen water have different names and some different properties, the kind of.

Seán McLoughlin
The kind of matter remains the same. And for a specific sample of water, the weight does not change because you would have to get rid of mass. Then when you freeze it, you're just freezing those molecules so it rearranges, but it doesn't change the weight.

And then when you. When you. When you turn it into a gas, then you're evaporating bits of it off, so that actually changes the weight of it. It gets lighter. So you're telling me if I took a cup of water and weighed it, and for the sake of this, I know it wouldn't actually.

Ethan Nestor
But for the sake of this, let's say it weighs a pound, okay? And then I take that same cup of water, I put it in the freezer. It freezes. I take the cup out of the freezer, and I weigh it again. It's still going to weigh a pound.

Seán McLoughlin
It should. Right. Science community. I think it's. I think it's composition changes, but I think you're not taking any of the water out.

It also expands when it freezes. So it gets, like, its surface area changes because you couldn't just have it in the glass and it stays the exact same. It would, like, expand and rise. Okay, we should ask the. Who's.

Ethan Nestor
God damn. What a brainiac episode we're having so far. This is the most my brain has leaked on this show so far. Oh, my God. I feel like we should tackle more issues like superposition.

Superposition? Yeah, like the quantum reality of Schrodinger's cat, of if it's there. If it's not, is it alive? Is it dead? Something is only there when you observe it, and then when you turn around and don't look at it, it's.

Seán McLoughlin
It changes its thing. Is that what superposition means? I'm sure I'm boiling everything down to really lame, crappy terms, but I was watching the show dark matter, which I read the book for, which is all about superposition and putting. Putting someone in a quantum state. Hmm.

Where you can be in multiple positions at once. Damn. Yeah. That's crazy. Sex.

Ethan Nestor
Multiple positions at once. I know. The camus sutra was actually just quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling. That's what I do every day.

Seán McLoughlin
Quantum tunneling, bruh? Damn. That premarital reality is you smoking doobies and utter realities. Oh, you could be dating if your third eye is open enough. How much y'all fucking squeegee?

That thing clean, bro? How much weed do you have to smoke to see the other side? Hmm? The chicken and the road scenario. How much weed does a chicken have to smoke for it to be convinced to cross the road, you know?

And is there something enticing enough on the other side? These are the questions. These are the days of our lives. Why did the chicken cross the road? No one ever knows.

If a chicken's crossing the road, does it experience time differently than if it was walking down the road? It takes longer to walk down the road than it does to walk across it, so time speeds up. These are interesting thought experiments. Hmm. Like.

Ethan Nestor
Like, what's the, uh. What's the ship one theseus ship? Yes. Mm hmm. It's the same with your body if you.

Seán McLoughlin
Your cells always replenish. So how many times have you been reborn in totality since you were born? All your cells are replenishing and changing. And isn't it like, every three, five, or eight years or something like that? Yeah, I think it's every seven years.

Ethan Nestor
You're. Yeah, so you're a different person. Gets. You are Theseus ship. Damn, dude.

Damn. I miss the old Theseus. You've changed. You changed Theseus's ship. Now, here's a different.

Here's. Here's the other thing. Talking about time and everything. Everyone's like, time travel isn't possible because if it was, we would have met a time traveler. I think time travels impossible.

Seán McLoughlin
I think time travel is impossible. Going backwards is what people say. Like, you can't go further back than when the time travel exit or when the device exists. But also, it means that you have to travel faster than light. And if you're able to travel and, like, what direction do you go in to go backwards?

Like, how do you even do that? I already know your answer. But for the people at home, if you were given a time travel device and you could travel into the future, would you do it? Yeah. And you had to stay there?

Ethan Nestor
You had to stay there. Oh, I had to stay there. No, they probably don't got pizza no more. They probably don't have my favorite burger place. It's.

It's all just in little tubes in little syringes that you just. Yep. Into your mouth. No, I I don't even like traveling to another country sometimes without feeling homesick. I don't even like leaving my house.

Seán McLoughlin
I'm not gonna leave my time house. I I would love to see where things are, but I'm perfectly content where I am. Mm hmm. It's too scary. Too scary out there.

What if. Too scary. What if you show up and some person with three titties shows up, and then you turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger and your head explodes in the vacuum of space? I was just about to say that. That's fucking crazy.

Ethan Nestor
That would be nuts. That's the only way you could convince me to try, is if somebody has three titties. I'm more of an ass man. I'm gonna need three ass cheeks, three. Ass cheeks, two butts.

Seán McLoughlin
That's all I'd be doing. And then I get arrested in the future. Jail. Have you guys tried this? You guys live in the future, and you don't even know how good.

You have a brain leak. Look at the lush facial hair that I have upon my head. It's growing out of every pore. It's scraggling into the ether. I can't quite control my facial hair until now.

Ethan Nestor
Every time I go and try and shave, I go out and I get these razors from the grocery store, and they're just not cutting it. Literally. My beard is so thick and luscious, it doesn't shave right. I get. I get nicks and cuts on my neck when I try and shave, and it's just not good.

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Henson shaving.

Henson shaving. Henson shaving. Shave the bad off your life. Henson shaving. Oh.

Henson shaving. The best shave for the best people on earth. Brain leak. I had a dream last night, shawn, a very vivid dream that I got arrested for tax evasion.

Seán McLoughlin
Um, that's not a dream. I am here to serve you. It was such a vivid dream. I was driving down the road, and suddenly I got. And I knew what was happening for some reason.

Ethan Nestor
So I just got out of my car, I put my hands in my head, and I put myself on the ground. And I didn't know what was like. I knew what was going on, but I was so confused, and I went, what's going on? What's happening? What is happening right now?

What are you talking about? And it was so confusing. And I was so scared. Sean. You've never seen me so scared before.

Seán McLoughlin
Oh. I woke up sweating bullets. And I said, oh, God, they haven't got me yet. Thank God I'm still safe now. I don't know.

Ethan Nestor
Let's go to Puerto Rico now, listeners out there. You let me know what that means. Any of you dream analysts? Mmm hmm. I think it probably just means you're anxious about something.

Hmm. You're. You're a Freus. For me. I have dream.

Seán McLoughlin
I had a dream one time that I killed my elementary school teacher, but I was an adult. And then I had to, like. Like, the dream started after the crime, and then I had, like, a gun in my hand, and I, like, threw it in the sink. And then I was like, what am I doing? I was like, I would never do that.

What the fuck happened? And then I had to, like, avoid the police and tell people and explain myself that I didn't know what was going on. And then I woke up. So it's like, what does that mean? I woke up covered in blood.

Ethan Nestor
Different house. I wasn't in my own house. Wasn't even a teacher. I know. It was like, kind of look like the teacher from the kindergarten game.

Seán McLoughlin
Miss Jiggly tits, as I call her. So you're. You're trying to come up with an excuse as to why you would never do this thing. Interesting. I also had a dream two nights ago where I was at a talent competition with a bunch of our friends and a few of us were, like, on the judging panel.

And then the judges had to get up and do a thing. And my prompt was take off a piece of clothing while doing a metal gear solid impression. So I jumped through the air, took off my hoodie and landed on the ground and started, like, crawling. And everyone cheered. And then I started crawling really slowly, and everyone cheered more.

And then I got up and sat back down at the judges panel and put my hoodie back on. Wow, that's crazy. Was I in there? Was I in there? I think you were on the judges panel as well as Evelyn.

Yes, and it was like a bunch of like, friends and fans and family and people that were in the crowd. It was a massive crowd. Huh. So. Hmm.

Ethan Nestor
I don't think it's fair that Evelyn gets to judge you. I think that's bias. I think that you would score. I was a judge doing this myself. I was judging me.

Wait, you were judging yourself? Yeah, cuz I was on the judges panel, so we all had to give ourselves marks as well. Like you were. You would have to get up and do it next. Isn't that interesting?

Do you know what you gave yourself? No, I didn't get to any scores. I just heard the applause and then woke up. Hmm, interesting. It turns out I don't want to be judged by people, but I want nothing but adoration.

Seán McLoughlin
So I want nothing but attention and cheering, but I don't want to get judged for it. So if you had to, if you can transport yourself back, back in time, if you will, to that dream. Yeah. Do you, do you have any sense of self image there? Did you think, oh, man, I'm really crawling right now.

Yeah, I thought. I thought I was cool. Yeah. In that dream I was like, damn, this is fucking tight. I nailed that.

Ethan Nestor
Okay, well, good, good. Even though in the dream I also knew that what I was doing was shit, but people loved it. And I was like, that's all you need. I was trying to fool everybody. Imposter syndrome.

What, are you trying to fool yourself? Always. I feel like if I'm dreaming, my brain's trying to fool me anyway. Nothing's real. Why am I dreaming?

But at the end of the day, you were happy with what you had done. Yeah. Do you have a point you're getting to? No, I'm just making sure you know that you did a good job. Oh, thank you.

All right, well, sessions about over save time next week. Well, you just dropped a bombshell on me. But we only have ten minutes left, so we're gonna have to come back to that, which we never, ever do. Every single time I have therapy that happens where I drop something, and she's like, well, fuck, we're out of time, but we'll talk about that next week. And then, like you just said, you.

Seán McLoughlin
Can pay $600 right now, and we can, like, we can shoot shit if you want, but I will have to eat lunch as you're talking. God, wouldn't that be awful? Going to therapy? Your therapist is eating lunch the whole time. So how does that make you feel?

Yeah, that's fucked. Oh, this mustard's great, though. Hmm. Yeah. So how do you think that explains the relationship with your father?

Ethan Nestor
All right, that's good. No, no, not you. That's actually really fucked up. The sandwich is just good. Sorry.

Confusion. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What are you saying?

Seán McLoughlin
This is fucking bossing. Thinking of my therapist, saying, bussin, I. Wonder if there's some therapist that you come in and they're like, what's up? My sigma feeling Riz today? God, that's my skivity.

Ethan Nestor
Trying to riz up your therapist. Oh, Ohio. What the sigma? I was trying to explain what the sigma to Evelyn yesterday because it was. I thought that you were saying.

You're trying to explain that to your therapist? I'm, like, really using your time. Well, I'm an Internet historian. People of the culture. I will be archived on the Internet, so I need you to understand the terminologies that I'm about to come out with.

Seán McLoughlin
Someone called me a beta male cook, so. But I was feeling real skippity sigma that day. Hell, yeah, I saw. Have you seen the TikTok of the guy doing, like, the if Gen Z was a early two thousands No, I haven't, because I deleted TikTok and I haven't seen anything.

Fucking loser. How are you? Gonna keep up with the modern age? I won't. I'll die alone and unaware.

We all die alone and unaware. Your brain gives out anyway. I don't know what I'm saying, but there was a part where they're like ordering something and it's like a really long stupid order and they say it at the time and he turns and goes, what the sigma? It's like, oh, I want to curl into a fucking ball of lead and explode and die.

So it goes on for like five minutes and it's incredible. He was like, can't like, gang know I fuck with this.

Ethan Nestor
Brain leak. I hate going to the doctor's office. Why? Well, I'll tell you why. It's because I call it.

I just want to make a doctor's appointment. A normal checkup and they're booked through the whole summer. How am I supposed to just get a good doctor that's reliable and one that I don't have to wait twelve years to see? Well, I'll tell you how it's with Zocdoc, baby. Listen, we all gotta compromise on things in life, but one thing that we shouldn't compromise on is our health.

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Then book a top rated doctor today. That's brain leak. brainleak. Prioritize your health. Prioritize your world.

Seán McLoughlin
Brain leak. I was talking to my therapist this past week about, most of my therapy sessions are about work life balance. And then she was like, because this past week I've been doing a bunch of stuff. And she was like, well, when's the next time that you'll just have like a few weeks to just chill? And I was like, I don't know, maybe like September or something?

Ethan Nestor
And she was like, okay, why September? What's happening these next couple months? And I was like, well, I've got stuff going on in July, and then in August I'm gonna do a subathon. And I had to explain what a subathon was, and she was like, wow, that sounds really unhealthy. And I went, yeah, I know.

Seán McLoughlin
I got all embarrassed. You're doing a subathon? Yeah, because it's twelve years of great gameplay today. I'm like, man, I'll just, I've never done one, and I'm interested to see what it would be like. And I've talked about wanting to do it for a while, and I was like, maybe I'll try it.

I couldn't ever. I don't have the energy for that. I. You're gonna do the full, like sleeping on camera thing and everything? I don't know.

Ethan Nestor
Probably not. So how are you gonna fill the gap? Well, I've been looking at a bunch of games that twitch chat can play on their own. Like, I tested it a while ago. You can integrate twitch chat with cookie clicker, which is pretty fun.

Seán McLoughlin
Oh yeah, you mentioned that. So you just make them play cookie clicker. There's some chat fishing game. Because you gotta, you have to like provide something, right? You can't just leave.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, you can't really, you have to. Have like mods come in and talk, or you have to have like yourself shown on camera at all times. Yeah, kind of. You know, if all else fails, Hell's Kitchen reruns all the time. Just, that's the twitch peda.

Hell's Kitchen. What if. No, I'll probably just have chat, play games. Could you imagine there's somebody out there that does a subathon and they're like, this is going to be epic. They start their subathon and they're like, I'm going for 15 hours the first day, and then by the end of the first day, the clock hasn't gone up.

Seán McLoughlin
At all. And then they're like, good subathon guys, we're done now. I guess we're one half day.

Ethan Nestor
Hopefully that doesn't happen. I don't think it would. I don't think that ever really happens. But see, I want a nice fine in between of it going well, but also not. I don't want to be streaming for 40 days that I think I would die.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah. So I actually do that. It won't happen because I think I'm going to do a self imposed cutoff of the maximum amount of time that it could reach is the anniversary of my channel, which is the 29th, which is already too long. But you should do all from software games back to back until you beat them. You can't stop streaming until you beat them all.

Ethan Nestor
God, I have been playing a bunch of elden ring. Hell yeah. Yeah. And I've been. I've been cheesing a little bit.

Seán McLoughlin
Shawn, explain cheesing to me because I'm gonna point out why shit doesn't exist. Well, I spent 2 hours yesterday. Well I put a mod on them. Killed everything in one hit. Yeah, no, I spent 2 hours yesterday.

Ethan Nestor
It's not cheesing. Well, to the. To the fromsoft purist, maybe it would be. I just sat for 2 hours at mogwyn palace doing the bird guy in the same. If that was bad, they would have patched that out.

True. That's not cheesy. I've done that in the past, baby. I need some runes. I need some easy runes cuz I gotta level up a little bit.

I just want some easy runes. So I just spent a little while. Just shouldn't have me run off thing. As a from software veteran that is their favorite. My favorite developer and I pump so much money and time into their games and I love them so much.

Seán McLoughlin
No one fucking cares. Only people on Reddit and Twitter and YouTube comments care or TikTok comments care about you, how you play that game. As a fromsoft lover. Yes. Could we have a quick tier list of the fromsoft games?

Bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, dark souls. One demon soul or. Yeah, demon souls. Dark souls. Three dark souls.

Ethan Nestor
Two are where in that order? Top to bottom. Oh, okay. I thought you were gonna do like a tier, like a bloodborne s tier, f tier. Armored core.

I've never played armored core. Armor core is pretty good. Well, I haven't played the old ones, I just played the newest one and I liked it. Now original Demon's souls or demon souls remastered. Probably the remake, because I like good audio, and that has incredible audio in it, and more or less, it plays the same.

Seán McLoughlin
Some of the animations are a little extended for, like, backstabs and whatever, but it doesn't feel the same because there's, like, a mental, perceptive thing. When you're playing it and it looks different, you kind of expect it to be different. I just. I'm so sorry. I just had a thought that you're gonna love.

Oh, no. You know how there's Soulsborne fan games, slash, just, like, random ones? Like, there's the crab one that came out recently. Have you played that? Another crab's treasure?

Not yet, no. I want someone out there to make a soulsborne type game where you play as a toddler at a daycare. All the bosses are like. It's like an older kid, and then the bigger bosses are the teachers. Yeah, that would be so much fun.

And you have to, like, to drink milk instead of your estus. Oh, that would be so cool. Dude, you get different. You get different nappies or diapers, and you're like, this is my armor. That would be so cool.

That would be a great one. Just like, the top tier armor is just a shirt that's way too big. But it weighs you down, so you can't, like, fast roll with it. That would be so fun. Somebody please do that.

Oh, and your sneak can be crawling. Yeah, you can get, like. Oh, and instead of, like, putting rings on or, like, amulets, you get different pacifiers that do different things. That would be. So what would your weapons be like?

A rattle is one that's like a club. Yeah. What else do kids? A little spoon. Also just like, a pillow.

Ethan Nestor
A big pillow. Just. But the pillow to the toddler is really heavy. So it's just one of the heavy weapons. But I want.

Seán McLoughlin
I want the whole thing to not be, like, baby ish. I want it to be what the baby thinks they're doing. Like, that episode of South park where they're playing ninjas and they're, like, actually super cool in their own heads. I want the baby to be like that, where the animations are so sick. Like, the fucking combos are nuts.

It's not like a baby falling over itself. Mm hmm. Oh, that was so cool. That would be awesome. We need to on.

What would you call it? Baby souls. Baby souls blood. Baby. Baby born.

Oh. You'd have to call it something around, like, labor and toddlers and playgrounds and. Oh, yeah. I don't know. But it could be cool because you could have like Dennis from Vermont as your bonus.

Ethan Nestor
Dennis Vermont. Or like, dennis the gatekeeper? And he's in front of that, like, child gate. Yeah. Oh, my God.

Seán McLoughlin
I can picture it so well in my head. And the poison swamp is actually just a ball pit. Yeah. Be so cool. That would be tight.

Ethan Nestor
The, like, endgame. Is that like a chuck E. Cheese? Yeah. You actually, like, leave the daycare center.

Seán McLoughlin
That's your limb grave. Oh, that's your Yarnham. And you like, delve further and further down, just trying to get back to your own house. Oh, man, that would be so cool. Getting.

Ethan Nestor
Getting madness would be like, you're just getting tired and throwing a tantrum. You go berserk. Somebody please make this. This is amazing idea. Yeah, somebody please.

Seán McLoughlin
I'll publish it. Speaking of which, we saw summer games Fest just started and they were announcing a bunch of games, did a bunch of stuff, but a bunch of, like, new publishers, like Blumhouse came out and said that they were publishing some games, horror games. Ludwig's company, off brand, came out and said that they're doing off brand games. What was the other one? Oh, the inner sloth.

The people who make among us are making outer sloth, which is funding games. That's cool. That's cool. I like that. More games.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, baby. More in the indie space because it's more sustainable, I hope. Yeah. I haven't looked at anything from summer games fest because I've been doing stuff all week and it's been. I filmed for 18 hours, not yesterday, but the day before.

Seán McLoughlin
Why would you do that to yourself? Is it something cool? It's something cool. Yeah, but it wasn't. It's not just another sex toy sponsorship, is it?

Ethan Nestor
No, no. Surprisingly. You made a Super bowl ad for that one. So much fun. So stupid.

So stupid. Yeah. I want to look more at stuff coming out from summer games Fest. Not a lot happened. Alan Wake DLC came out yesterday and I played through that and that was awesome.

You played through the whole thing? Yeah, it's like three mini stories. Took like two and a half hours to do the whole thing. Oh, okay. Pretty short.

Nice. Pretty short. Pretty short. Pretty short. But pretty sweet.

Seán McLoughlin
Pretty dope. Mm hmm. Well, I'm glad you're not mad at me for going to Mogwood palace and fucking up that bird. The fact that you even have to think that while you're playing it in your own spare time. I know, but I just.

Ethan Nestor
I'm like, man, so many runes. So nice. Yeah, it's awesome. I didn't do it on, like, my first couple of runs, but there's definitely been a few runs where I've stopped there and fuck shit up. I want to go back and do some runs where I only level up one stat.

Seán McLoughlin
Oh, I would have done that. Only do strength, right? Only do faith. I think that'll be fun. Yeah.

Well, what's interesting is that if you play strength, you can just do strength and vigor, and then you're done. You only need those two stats, and then you're finished, more or less. Yeah. I've been having a lot of fun playing elden ring now. I'm so excited.

DLC is right around the corner. How long do you think the DLC is gonna be? They said it was 30 to 40 hours. And I'm like, I. As much as I love that, I'm like, I want to play it for videos, and I don't want it to go on forever, but I think that's if you, like, explore everything and see everything and take a bit more time.

If you just beeline it, I'm sure it's like 10 hours long. Yeah. I saw a video from Iron Pineapple that made me go like, huh, interesting. Shout out to iron pineapple. Iron pineapple.

Ethan Nestor
Great, great channel. He said that he got a sneak peek of the DLC, and he got to play it for 3 hours, and he said a thing that I was like, wait, really? Because he said in the 3 hours, he felt like he got to see most everything, and I was like, huh? How? That doesn't make any sense.

Seán McLoughlin
Well, you forget that he's very good at the game. Yes. And if you're. If you only have 3 hours with it and you're making. Because I was invited that event as well, and I was like, well, I want to do a let's play on it.

So I don't really want to, like, play bits of it and kind of, like, ruin my expectations of it. For people like Vaati and Iron pineapple, it's great because they're doing, like, lore dumps and they're doing, like, previews and that kind of stuff. So for him, he probably wanted to see most of the areas and see most of the enemies. So, like, fight a couple of times, sprint away from them, try and make as much progress as you can. And he's also just very good at the game.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah. So I'm sure he was able to plow through it. I love his videos, but there are a few videos where he. I think it's the one where he just stays level one. He's like, if I wanted to see if Elden Ring is possible to be beaten at level one by someone who's just a normal souls player like me.

And I'm like, you're not, though. You're really good at these games. That's what. It's the same thing. Cause I'm like, I'm okay at the games.

Seán McLoughlin
I feel like I'm pretty decent. But it's one of those things that you have to, like, temper the wording around it because there are people who are, like, really good at these games who know the ins and outs and can, like, break the game over their knee. So it's like you don't. You don't want to say really good at the Souls games, especially bloodborne, you know, like the back of your hand. Yeah, that.

I mean, that's just repetition at this point, but. And seeing so many videos on it. But even I would be like, I'm not, like, the best at it. I'm not, like, really good at it because I know there's so many other people who will come out then and be like, oh, yeah. But it's doing the same thing where I'm like, tempering souls community.

I love you guys, but holy fuck, you're so annoying. These, like, games that were so niche became so popular, and now they're like, oh, it's. It's. That thing was like, oh, it's too popular now. Everyone's playing it.

It's like, who gives a shit? They're fucking amazing. I can the fuck down. Not everybody has to, like, you can make your own challenges. Like, playing it at level one, no summons.

Playing with, like, crappy weapons, seeing if you can beat it that way you don't have other people are able to beat it easier. Shut up. Shut up about the sun.

Ethan Nestor
I saw a video the other day where someone beat Elden ring with negative stats. Wait, how? Like a mod? Yeah, he just went in and modded it and he gave. He gave all of his stats negative 18, which put him at negative 200 for the level.

God, as if the games aren't hard enough. Yeah, because Kaisen at was playing it and he did the subathon thing. Would you call that a subathon? Where he was just playing it for. Until he beat it, but he was playing it, and then he got like, the.

Seán McLoughlin
What the fuck is the blade called? The blasphemous blade, where you get it from Rycard and it slams and does fire and heals you. And then everyone was like, this is a pussy weapon. You can't use that. It heals you and it does too much damage.

And then he changed to rivers of blood. And then people were like, oh, it's fucking cheating. You're breaking the game. It's like. And then they told him not to use magic.

And I'm like, man, I'm so glad he had fun with it anyway. Yeah, but what a community to, like, take. Maybe. I don't know if that was his community or the Souls community or a mix of both, but what a way of, like, killing enthusiasm for a fun thing. It's like, this game is amazing.

It's like undertale games amazing. And then I played it, and then people were like, on Reddit, they were like, this youtuber played it. Now it's gonna blow up and ruin the whole community. You're doing the wrong voice. That's not the voice for that character.

Ethan Nestor
That doesn't actually have a voice. I'm going on record again that I played undertale the very first time. People were like, oh, so annoying. The screamy shouty youtubers are starting to find the game. Then I started doing voices.

Seán McLoughlin
I said, that little text sound sounds like Patrick Star. I'm gonna make sans sound like Patrick Star. And I did that voice. And I was like, no, you made him too stupid sounding. He's supposed to be cool and intelligent.

And I got so nervous and anxious about that. And then I changed the voice. And then, like, six years later, it came out or however long that that was actually the soundbite they used to make his voice in the game, that maybe it's the way you dress. And it was the very start of that sentence and it was chopped up and put into the game to be his voice. And everyone, and I was like, everyone knows Jacksepticeye an apology.

I'm like, you fuckers. And then I came up with this, like, New York fucking New Jersey accent from him. And everyone's like, no, that's the voice for him now. Oh, undertale. Yeah, you.

Ethan Nestor
You really were something. Yeah. And then I played Deltarune and I really wanted to like it. And then they put, like, undertale stuff in at the end of it. So then my brain just defaulted to undertale.

Seán McLoughlin
And I was like, I know it's trying to be its own thing, but I can't not think about undertale now because you showed me the characters at the end of the first chapter and then the second chapter came out and like, it was fine. I had fun with it, but I wasn't really feeling it for recordings. And then people got really mad at me because they said I was rushing it and didn't care. Yeah, I just wanted, because you were rushing it and you didn't care, obviously. Yeah, but everyone, jacksepticeye, everyone just got really annoying after the first episode, and everyone started, like, telling me how I was supposed to be playing it.

So when I did the second episode, that was, like, in my head. Are you saying that people in YouTube comments were overreacting and being annoying? Yeah, I don't really think that that ever happened. It wasn't even my audience. You guys are awesome.

You guys were like, whoa, Deltarune. And then other people were like, he's not doing it right. And I was like, oh, man, I just want to play the fucking game. I want to have fun. And everyone's telling me I was doing it wrong and it kind of killed the enthusiasm for it.

Ethan Nestor
My job is to play video games for a living, and you guys are making it not fun. My job is to play video games for a living, and you're not allowed to say anything about it. No criticism, no negativity. Just fun. This is so funny sometimes how YouTube comments really take the wind out of your sails sometimes where it's like, man, I have the coolest job and it's really fun, but sometimes these comments make me not want to do this.

Seán McLoughlin
You guys are making me feel I want to play video games for my job, but you guys are making it really hard. Really hard. It is good to be reminded of that sometimes because it's easy to get lost in the sauce, but it's a pretty fucking sweet job. I do want to play undertale yellow at some point. It's like a fan game people made and people were asking me to play it, and I looked it up, and normally I'm like, fangames, eh, whatever, I don't really care.

But this one looks really good, and people are really enthusiastic about it, and it got really good reviews, so try that out. I do miss undertale. I miss that world. Yeah. I miss that first playthrough feeling.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, I miss that time. When was that? 2015? Yes, 2014. 2014 sounds.

Seán McLoughlin
2015 sounds right. Yeah, those were the days, baby. Those were the days. And we didn't even know that they were the days. Yeah, but I mean, it happens with a lot of games where it gets a bit too big for its britches pretty quickly, and then the audience kind of ruin because I was saying to Evelyn one time, I was like, you should play undertale.

It's. It's really fun. And she was like, no, because everybody has, like, expectations of it now, of what it should be and, like, voices and characters, and if you don't react strongly to a certain character, say, like, ha, that's so funny. To sort certain jokes, people are like, how dare you not appreciate that? Yeah.

Ethan Nestor
Oh, undertale. Oh, undertale. Yeah. Fnaf kind of went like that for a while, but I think that's kind of like turned a corner, and everyone's like, yeah, it's silly, it's goofy. No one cares.

Fnaf and Bendy also. Oh, yeah, same kind of thing. I didn't even play the second bendy game. Neither did I. I got bored.

Seán McLoughlin
Oh. I didn't even start it. I, uh, the last chat, I can't remember what the last bendy chapter I played was, but it felt like I was just doing chores for 2 hours. Oh, you're talking about bendy won. Yeah, I think so.

Second bendy game that came out. It was probably chapter three. That was the one. Everyone was like, this thing is 2 hours long, and it could be, this could be an email. Yeah, it was.

Ethan Nestor
I think it. I think it was. It was like, go here, grab a lever, come back, pull the lever, and I'll go there, grab another thing. But it was all fetch quests the entire time. He fixed it in chapter four, though.

Seán McLoughlin
That was fun. Good, good. Did you get to meet up? Which chapter was I in? I don't remember.

Ethan Nestor
I did get it to you, though. I think so. I think it was chapter three I was in, and I'm in bendy, too. Heighty tighty, haughty toddy.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah. It was the exact same character in poppy playtime. Hi. Tonight, you haughty.

I did tweet. They were, like, doing the poppy movie. And I was like, if you need marikus back, let me know. But I'm like, if I'm. If I do end up in a poppy movie.

Cause he even tweeted, like, if you guys want this to happen, retweet or like. Or something like that. If they don't want me in it, that's fine. I understand. Putting youtubers in movies kind of ruins it if they can't act or it kills the atmosphere or whatever.

But I was like, I will be in it, but I'm not doing the. Oh, not at all, sir. I'm not doing that. Like, I'll change Marcus or do a different character or something, but I'm not doing that. I, a, I don't want to be typecast anymore because it's so frustrating.

But, b, I'm also like, no, that will ruin the movie. If I'm in it and I do that, it'll ruin it. Yeah. It'll be. It'll feel real forced, I think.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, real. I think it'll take people out of it a little bit. Yeah. I don't want to do it like, it's fine for like the FNAF movie, but it did pull me out of it. Like when I, when I recognized somebody and I was like, but that's just a theory.

Seán McLoughlin
I'm like, what are we doing? It's fun. But at the same time now all I can think about is Matthew, Pat, theu, Matthew. But Cory was fun. Do you think that they'll bring back Matthew path you for number two?

I hope so. Maybe they'll go to the same diner they could. I don't see why not. Come on. I just bring my pat back and pull his head off.

Oh, not cuz I hate Matpat or anything. I think he's one of the best people. But if you're gonna be in like a movie like that, like you want to be that guy. If I'm in that kind of movie, I want to be the guy that's like ripped open and eaten. Would you?

Ethan Nestor
Oh, that'd be sick. I want my ass ate by Freddy Fazbear with his big teeth in that one thing. Would I be in it? Yeah. I mean, if I was asked, yeah, I think it'd be fun.

Seán McLoughlin
But I'm also not the biggest fnaf youtuber, so I'm like, I would rather get other people in it. Like eight bit Ryan and Razbowski and John Wolf and Dawko and everybody was in it, but they were like, picture on the wall. That was. You could see it better in the promotional material than you could the actual movie. So I'm like, put them in it.

Give them like a face roll. Yeah. Plus I've been very outspoken about my dislike of a lot of the fnaf stuff. And I think Scott Cawthon probably doesn't like me very much. Yeah.

Which is fine. I don't really like it, but maybe. Maybe he'll have you killed, though. If I could be in faf two and get killed. Awesome.

Ethan Nestor
That'd be sick. I want to get killed in FNaf two. I'm just in it as a youtuber being like, they're doing this again. This kind of sucks. And then Freddy comes in.

That'd be sick. I would love that. Does the jaw thing. That'll be awesome. Yeah, that'd be so cool.

Seán McLoughlin
Silence the haters. I'll be the hater in the movie. I don't hate Fnaf. I got done with it. I got done with it back after the first two games and that now.

It'S first one, incredible, all time great s tier game. Second one, great good sequel. Did everything the first game did, but more. That's what a good sequel does. Third game, dog shit.

I don't hate it. I don't really remember anything about FNaf three. I fnaf three is springtrap. And everything looked like piss and everything was yellow. Yeah, and the jump scare sucked.

And everything was just like, here's balloon boy, but he's grimy. Yeah. For the one I thought was fun, I think. Which? The fourth one when you're in the house.

I thought that was fun. Four was fun. I'm three. I don't like because of just the gameplay, but. And the aesthetic, but the lore.

Ethan Nestor
It did look like piss. Everything was really gross and. Yeah, but it added a lot of stuff to the lore that was really important. But four looked cool. But if we entered the territory of, like, scary equals way more teeth.

Seán McLoughlin
But it was also inside a kid's head. It was inside a kid's head, so you can explain it away. And then what was after that sister location. That one I really enjoyed. That's the only one I finished outside.

Security breach. My God. Security breach made me want to fucking die. That game was so bad. Aw.

I had fun with it. It was so broken. But I think that that's if it was fine. If there was no bugs, I would have not enjoyed it. But I like running into awful shit.

Ethan Nestor
I enjoyed it more when I did my final episode because I streamed the final episode so I didn't feel alone in my suffering. Yeah. But before then, I had so many glitches that made me lose, which was really frustrating. Yeah, I did have a really fun glitch. You know how you bring Freddy to the thing to fix him or whatever game.

Yeah. So I did that, and then he was still there. And then he appeared right next to me. I was like, yeah, there's two of you. I had some glitches where it was supposed to be, like, a hard section, and then the character, like, didn't trigger or didn't appear or didn't chase me or something.

Seán McLoughlin
And I was like, oh, thank God I got through it and I don't have to lose progress. And everything is easy. That's not how the game was intended, but by God, did it make me have fun. Oh, that's wonderful. And I liked making fun of Gregory's voice.

I liked making fun of Freddy. I actually had a fucking great time recording that game. I didn't really like the game, and I don't think it's a very good game, but I had a great time. I was so thankful getting to the end, the easy ending of the game, where you can just leave. And I was so thankful.

Ethan Nestor
I'm so thankful in that moment that I'm not a fnaf youtuber, because I could just leave it there. And I was like, nope. It's like, you can leave now, but there are more secrets to uncover. Don't you want to uncover the secrets? And I was like, nope.

Not at all, actually. Yeah, but if you were a fnaf youtuber, you'd be getting millions of views for it, and that would keep you playing. That's true. It is. It is one of those things that a bad game can be saved if the audience is really into it.

Yeah. And it kind of keeps you going and good comments and everything. If the game's bad and your audience don't like it, then it's like, I'm in hell, and I want this to end. But I I saw what it took to do the other endings, and I was like, I'm really okay having never seen that. No, no, thank you.

I'm good. I'm all good. But it was fun. I liked it. I liked seeing Gregory and his bullshit.

Seán McLoughlin
The DLC was fun as well, but I didn't. It couldn't recapture the magic of the weirdness of the original. It was just really odd. Yeah, it was fucking weird. Everything, like, was animated weirdly.

It was open world 3d, kind of. It was fucking janky. Some of the mechanics are like, where do I go? What do I do? The level design is weird, but now I'm like, I I feel like I lived in that building.

It felt like recording an old, let's play where I feel like I walked around and I explored, and I figured it out, and everybody was watching, and I was like, ah, fun. It was great. I'm glad that you liked that game. I'm glad that you got. No, no, no, no.

Let's not say I liked that game. Let's not change history here. The game words in my mouth. The game was not good, but I had a great time. Good.

Ethan Nestor
There's a lot that. You had a good time. Yes, I did. Yes. Yes.

Seán McLoughlin
Everyone has those. Everyone has those games out there. It's like a game that's shit. Trying to think of my favorite shit game. That's a hard one to think of, because all your brain goes to is good games.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, I know. People at home tell us your favorite shit game. Games that you loved, but nobody else did. Mm hmm. And I'll try and think of one of my own.

I'll also try and think of one. Anyway, thank you, hemorrhoids. Thank you. I have to poop so bad. Speaking of hemorrhoids.

Mm hmm? I just downed this coffee. Haven't pooped since last night, so it's been brewing for quite a while now. It's running through them. It's turtling.

So thank you all so much for listening. Hope you enjoyed our talks about time and relativity. Yeah, I genuinely want to know the math and physics behind Whoville. Yeah, it's interesting. It gets the gears going in your head, and you think, what the fuck?

Seán McLoughlin
Anyway, thanks. Bye. Free league.

Are you a Marvel fan, Matt? You know I am, Jeff. I was asking the listener. Oh, okay. Yeah, I thought it seemed like a weird question.

Cause, you know, we've been doing a Marvel podcast together for nine years now. No, no. I was trying to grab the attention of all the Marvel fans out there for this ad. Oh, I thought it was weird too. You should definitely warn us.

Good note, Ashley. Well, if you like Marvel movies and tv as much as we do, join us for the Marvel Cinematic Universe podcast. He did it again. Whether you're in a relationship, single, or recently heartbroken, you could be navigating some tough stuff. And it really can be challenging to do this on your own.

Ethan Nestor
We all need help when it comes to our relationships. Very specifically, specifically, our love lives. I'm Jillian, and each week on my podcast, Jillian on love, I share skills on how to strengthen our relationships, how to build a stronger sense of self, and how to heal heartbreak and choose better partners. Learn how to start making change today and search for Jillian on love wherever you're listening now.