Kendrick vs Drake BEEF!

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This episode of the "Brain Leak" podcast delves into the ongoing feud between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, highlighting their latest musical exchanges and its impact on the hip-hop community.

Episode Summary

In a fiery discussion, hosts Seán McLoughlin and Ethan Nestor explore the intensifying rivalry between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, sparked by a series of diss tracks that have captivated the hip-hop world. The episode analyzes Kendrick's aggressive lyrical assaults on Drake, suggesting a deep-seated animosity and a desire to dominate the cultural conversation. The hosts speculate on the implications for both artists' careers and the broader music industry, noting the public and critical reaction to the feud. They also touch on broader themes of privacy and technology, reflecting on how personal data is handled in the digital age.

Main Takeaways

  1. Kendrick Lamar has released multiple tracks targeting Drake, signaling a significant escalation in their feud.
  2. The hosts admire Kendrick’s passion and dedication to his craft, emphasizing his status as a formidable force in hip-hop.
  3. There is a focus on the broader implications of their feud, considering how it reflects on the artists' careers and the music industry.
  4. The discussion also veers into the importance of privacy in the digital era, highlighting tools like Aura for protecting personal information.
  5. The episode is rich with humor and pop culture references, adding a light-hearted layer to the otherwise serious discussion of the feud.

Episode Chapters

1: Introduction

The hosts introduce the topic of Kendrick Lamar's recent diss tracks aimed at Drake, setting the stage for a detailed discussion on the feud.
Seán McLoughlin: "Kendrick, stop. He's already dead. Leave Drake alone."

2: The Impact of the Feud

Discussion on how the feud has been perceived by fans and other artists in the hip-hop community.
Ethan Nestor: "It's brutal. It's just a brutal moto. Kendrick's new album, that's 100% Drake diss tracks."

3: Technology and Privacy

A segue into the implications of modern technology on privacy, including a sponsored segment promoting Aura.
Seán McLoughlin: "Modern technology is great, it helps us in basically every aspect of our life. But it's also creepy and weird."

Actionable Advice

  1. Keep up with cultural moments to stay informed and engaged in relevant discussions.
  2. Consider the impact of personal disputes on professional environments.
  3. Use digital tools to protect personal information online.
  4. Engage critically with media, understanding the layers behind public feuds.
  5. Appreciate the artistry in music and lyrics, even in the context of a feud.

About This Episode

This week on an all new Brain Leak, Sean and Ethan break down the wild Kendrick Lamar/Drake feud, Sean also creates his own diss track for Coke, so let’s see how that turns out!


Kendrick Lamar, Drake, J. Cole, Marquez Brownlee





Guest Name(s):


Content Warnings:

Explicit language and themes


Seán McLoughlin
Brain leak. Kendrick, stop. Stop. He's already dead. Leave Drake away.

Ethan Nestor
Leave me. Let Aubrey live. Let Aubrey live another day. Oh, you went for his career, but it turns out you fucking kneecapped him in the streets. Oh, my God.

It's brutal. It's just a fucking brutal moto. I can't wait for you. Kendrick's new album, that's 100% Drake diss tracks. I mean, he has, what, four songs dropped?

Basically a whole ep. It's just about Drake, his euphoria. Meet the Grahams, and not like us. Not like us. Yeah.

Seán McLoughlin
Did he. No, he doesn't have another one. Did he have one before? I can't remember. I don't know.

He's hated Drake for a while, so technically, a lot of what he says and a lot of his songs are aimed at him. I hope to be as passionate about anything in my life as Kendrick is about ending Drake. Oh, my God. It's amazing. Bruneli.

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Ethan Nestor
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Go to brainlink to get a 14 day free trial and see how much of your information is being sold, and then get rid of that information that's being sold through aura. Brainleigh. Welcome back, everyone. It is the. It's the year of Ken, 12 November.

Seán McLoughlin
And it is a national holiday known as Ken Day. Kendi Lamar. He's going crazy. He's going sick. You've been on the road, which we'll get to, but have you had a chance to listen to the songs?

Ethan Nestor
I have listened to the songs, yeah. But I didn't realize, like, how prolific everything was until this morning. I hopped on Twitter for the first time in a couple months and my entire timeline, because I knew that people would be talking about it, obviously. Yeah. But I didn't realize the extent of which.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah, everyone's jumping in. Everyone's got a take. Everyone's. Everyone originally was like, oh, man, that was a good dish. It's like, drake had some bars on that one.

It's like, oh, but Kendrick kind of, like, outdid him on that one. Did he? I don't know. And now it's like, guys, it's over. Kendrick just fucking nuked him from orbit.

It's like, you don't really have. You gotta be way quicker to keep up with that. I saw a tweet this morning that was like, j. Cole must feel, like, how those people who missed their flights on 911 felt. Dude, if Mark Wahlberg was in this beef, it wouldn't have gone down like that.

Ethan Nestor
It wouldn't have gone down like this. I'm curious what happened to J. Cole? Cause he had. I don't know if the album or the song was called.

Seán McLoughlin
Might delete later. I just kept seeing the picture, but you can't listen to it anywhere. And he, like, backed out of everything. He was like, I'm sorry, I don't want to go against Kendrick because I actually think it's pretty cool. I think I might even call him J.

Cool from now on. He's a pretty nice guy. I think what he does is revolutionary. And he's probably like, Kendrick was probably just, like, staring him down. Like, try it.

Come on. Try it. Come on. Kendrick was just like, Kendrick said like, one name to him. It was like, marcia.

And he was like, how did you know that name? Martha. How'd you know that name? His whole world crumbling like, nard war coming out. Yeah.

What do you think about Martha? And then it's like, if he knows that, what else does he know? Do you think that that's who's feeding him information? I hope so. Kendrick's got Nardwar on his side, just in his back pocket.

Ethan Nestor
Just like, I need information. I think Nardwar is the. He's, like, the most accepted out of all of the, like, black hip hop artists. They're all like, you're pretty cool. They're like, you scare me, but I'm gonna embrace you instead of you destroying me with knowledge.

Seán McLoughlin
And then narrowboard's like, cool. Has Drake come back yet? He hasn't, right? No, I think he's dead. He's still licking his wounds.

I. God, I don't know how you come back from it. There's so many lines. So he get more Kendrick. I know.

That's what I'm saying. I need Kendrick heat. I need. The only way we're getting more Kendrick songs between albums is for Drake to be like, I don't like you. You're short.

Ethan Nestor
I think you must have the shoe. Size of a toddler. And Kendrick's like, the fuck you talking about? Pedophile?

Seán McLoughlin
I keep, like, dissecting all the lyrics. Cause I'm a Kendrick Stan. So maybe I was gonna say in the beginning, maybe I'm just blinded by bias. And now I'm like, no, Kendrick's way fucking better anyway. He's always been better.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, always. He has a Pulitzer prize. He does. For a rap album. That's nuts.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah, he's one. He was one nomination away, I think, to pimp a butterfly to rival Michael Jackson for most nominations of an album. That's. That's wild. It's incredible.

But just all the shit he's saying, like, I hate the way that you dress, the way you talk, the way that you walk. I hate everything about you. Yeah. People keep bringing up that video of the other guy being like, his clothes whack. His voice whack.

It's so perfect, so good. I love it. Drake, please keep coming back. This is what we were saying last time when I was like, Taylor Swift versus hosier, which is a beef we made up. I made up.

I'm dragging you down with me. A comparison I made. And I feel like that's kind of what's going on here to a more extreme extent. I wouldn't. I would say I like Taylor Swift more than I like Drake.

I don't like Drake's music, and I don't think. I don't think I ever really have. But I was like, eh, music is subjective, whatever. There's a lot of people that like it, clearly. But every time he raps, I'm like, you sound the same on every single song that you do.

And after, like, a minute, I get, like, ear fatigue. I'm just kind of, like, tired of listening to it. I'm not even, like, I'm not even taking in the bars anymore. I'm just like, God, you're so monotonous. It's like, getting drilled in my ears.

Ethan Nestor
I've never really liked Drake all that much. Like, I don't know. I've been very indifferent about him for a long time. I've been like, I saw this cock, and that made me uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah.

Everyone did. And it was. I didn't like it. And now it's like, who did he send that to? What age were they?

Seán McLoughlin
Come on. Maybe he tried to send it to. Kendrick. Kendrick was really upset about it. Yeah, he's, like, doing this.

I don't want a fucking cock in my phone. Get out of here. I hate the way that you drift, the way that you talk. I hate the size of your cog.

Ethan Nestor
Has he mentioned anything about that? That would be really funny. I think there's, like, a subtle reference to it in one of the songs. I mean, Kendrick would never say something so direct. He would, like, allude to it in some fantastical way.

Seán McLoughlin
And they'd be like, man, this is a poetry book. I want to read this. I saw Marquez Brownlee MkBhd tweeted this morning. And he was like, if I wrote reviews like Kendrick wrote songs, it would be diabolical.

Ethan Nestor
So funny. Because he's. He's been getting a lot of flack recently because he's been so honest in his reviews. Yeah. Tearing some companies down in a mean.

Seán McLoughlin
That's why. I think that's why Marquez stood the. Test of time and why he's the top of the game. Because he. I'm gonna use a new term that everyone's putting around is glaze.

He glazes a lot of products a lot of the time. What that? What? Like, hypes it help? Like, okay, if you.

Are you guys glazing Drake too much right now? You're dick writers. That kind of stuff. I've never heard that term ever. Well, it's probably from the black community, from the nineties that white people have just heard and stolen.

Ethan Nestor
I'm so out of date. I go on this road trip, I leave the Internet. There's all these new terms. You're like milk, we're like milk these days. You spent a couple of days out of the fridge, you're old and moldy and no one cares anymore.

Old and moldy and everyone, and you gross, clumpy. There's a lot of people out there who just glaze products for no reason. They just are like, I want. Cause you see it all the time. It's like I want people to send me more products.

Seán McLoughlin
So I'm gonna be like, I'm gonna subtly say that a product is kinda bad, but not outright say it, because I want people to send me more free shit. And Marques is like, I get free shit all the time anyway, even when I don't want it. That's not why he does it, obviously, but he's not afraid to speak his mind and I'm glad about that. That's why he's awesome and I enjoy watching him. That's why he's the review guy.

Yeah. Plus he's really handsome and tall and athletic. Yeah, he plays ultimate Frisbee. He fucking does, and that's awesome. Yeah.

Normally I'd be like, what is wrong with you? Did you get breastfed till you were 15? But now, hey, I played ultimate Frisbee. Exactly. And I only breastfed until I was 14.

All right, I said that playing elden ring. I was like, bonk. Looks like he was breastfed till he was 38 and he's only 26.

That was pretty clever. That's really funny. Marques makes ultimate Frisbee look like the coolest thing ever. He's so athletic. Doing.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, he's sweet. I haven't played ultimate Frisbee in a long time. And he wear apple watch when you do it and he's like, I'm Marques. That's his catchphrase. And then he drives a.

Seán McLoughlin
Oh, I forgot the name of the. What's the name of the. Chuck the electric one? Rivian. Rivian.

I was like, Rico. No, that's a camera. What? Ricoh is a camera. R I c o h.

Isn't that a camera brand? Oh, maybe, I don't know. Drake, pull it up, Drake. He can't move, he needs work.

Ethan Nestor
Oh, man, I. Drake, I want to. Go out because when I was posting about it, I posted, like, a comment on the meet the Grahams one. I just said, goddamn. And everyone was like, somebody tweeted today being like, what is this?

Seán McLoughlin
And they said, the n word doing here?

Quinn sent it to me, and I was like, what is happening? And I had, like, 180k likes when I saw it. I was like. And then I just replied to it saying, I'm the whitest guy I know because everyone was like, just call Jacksepticeye the n word. And then they were like, somebody was like, posting a meme of, like, what's a polar bear doing in, like, Arkansas?

What's. What is the meme? I was just. I have no idea. It's so funny.

What is a polar bear doing in Arlington, Texas? That was it. Yeah, it's just a picture of a polar bear being like, what's this polar bear doing in Arlington, Texas? I mean, I'm sure some people are kind of, like, surprised seeing you in the comment section and being like, what? What are you?

Yeah, but now everyone's like, he posted about the damn album in 2017 when that came out, and I'm like, yeah, I like hip hop. I like, I just don't talk about it a lot. Yeah. Because I. I'm not super well versed on it, but I like the damn album, I will say, kind of, like, changed my life.

I played that on repeat about 50 times when it came out. It's so good. And I. I listened to it when I went running, which I never did, and I was like, I need an excuse to get out of the house just so I can, like, listen to this. And I picked apart those lyrics for, like, a month, and I loved it.

Ethan Nestor
It is a really good album to run to. DNA is really, really good. It's on my playlist for working out. Do you think that when he tours next, I think that he should do this? You know, there's a lot that goes into making a show, and there's a lot of.

There's a lot of production that goes in with the lights and smoke and everything like that. So I think Kendrick should lean in, and I think that he should be lifted up from bottom stage, and then a big health bar should appear behind him.

That would be so cool.

What would Kendrick's boss name be? Oh, k.

Seán McLoughlin
Wait, where's Kendrick from? Compton. South central from? I think he's from south central. I think he's from Compton.

Ethan Nestor
Big health bar. It's just like, k dot from Compton or, like, Compton annihilator or something that it has to be Compton's a cool word. So I think it has to be like, or maybe like one of his songs, like Euphoric Compton Killer.

Oh, God, I'm very excited. Brain leak. Stop. Spend money, and save money now. How?

Seán McLoughlin
If you want save money, then rocket money use.

Ethan Nestor
That's the sound of rockets shooting your income into the sky in a good. Way, where filthy people can't grab it anymore. The bottom dwellers, they're submarine suckers. They can't get to your money anymore. Pilfering your pockets for pennies.

People think that they only have a few subscriptions, maybe, like, $80 worth of subscriptions a month. It's closer to 200 or more a month. But rocket money can help you figure that out, and they can cancel your subscriptions for you with just 70. 75% of subscriptions are forgotten about. I had one recently.

Seán McLoughlin
I used a service for a video years ago that I was like, I want to use, like, a template for something. And I had to buy the thing, and then it rolled over. This year, I didn't even realize I had it. And then $100 went out of my bank account, and I was like, oh, botto. I could have bought so many Pokemon cows with that.

Ethan Nestor
Mm hmm. I recently was like, I wonder how much stuff I have. So I used rocket money. No, no jokes about it here. I used rocket money, and I was like, oh, wow.

I have so much stuff that I do not use at all, because it's all those free trials and stuff. Like you just said, you sign up for it, and then you just forget about it. I forget about it all the time. But now we're walking money, because that's a personal finance app that finds and cancels my unwanted subscriptions, monitors my spending, and it also helps lower my bills. That's not just about subscriptions.

Seán McLoughlin
Technically, your electricity is a subscription. That's true. That's true. A mortgage is a subscription. They can.

Ethan Nestor
They can. They can help figure out your negotiate lower bills for you. Up to 20%. Yeah, I'm subscribed to my house. So stop wasting money on things you don't use or care about.

Cancel your unwanted subscriptions. Go to Brainleak. You better do it. Save your life and your money.

Seán McLoughlin
Brain leak. I didn't prep enough, but I wanted to go over, because I wanted to do this with the Taylor Swift album to go over some of the lyrics, but I was like, it's 31 fucking songs. That'll be Kendrick in a week. But I wanted to go over, like, the silliest lyrics, and I couldn't really find any. I'm like, I don't know the songs.

I haven't listened to them, so I can't find the lyrics. So I was like. I wanted to, like, put out some of the lyrics from Kendrick's one, I think. Not like us has some of the funnier ones because it's. I know I like the flow of that one, but I.

Why are you trolling like a bitch? Ain't you tired? Trying to strike a chord and it's probably a minor. That is the craziest line. It's so funny.

What's funnier is that didn't Bo Burnham make a joke like that a while ago? I think he makes an. A minor joke at one point somewhere. Cause I've heard that a minor line before, but not as good as this. This is so fucking good.

Certified lover boy. Certified pedophiles. The picture was a picture of Drake's house with a bunch of, like. Yeah. With like, what do you call them?

Sex registers. Yeah, sex offenders. Yeah. All the things on it. There's like twelve of them on the house.

Ethan Nestor
It's so funny. Beat your ass and hide the bible if God watching. Oh, my God. I am. I am sorry to everybody out there who is listening to a white guy from Ireland recite Kendrick lyrics in spoken form.

Seán McLoughlin
I also like the man down calling amber lamps. Tell him, breathe, bro. Have you ever seen that amber lamps video? Yes. That's a throwback.

I feel like there's so many, like, subtle references like that. He's just so good. And again, it's like, this is why Kendrick won a Pulitzer, because he's like an actual poet with all of his lyrics. It is poetry. I didn't get the John Stockton reference.

I'm a Finna pass on this body. I'm John Stockton. I don't know who John Stockton is either. John basketball player. See, I'm on genius.

And normally it's like you get the little highlight thing that you can click on, and it's like every other line. And on this one, it's like every single line is highlighted.

Ethan Nestor
Let's see. Kendrick references NBA basketball legend John Stockton of the Utah Jazz, who holds the record for most assists in the NBA. In other words, Stockton was a great passer of the ball. I still don't get it. I'm not clever enough and I'm not up on the lore well enough.

Oh, so he's good because an assist is when somebody else scores, but you pass it to them. So he's passing on this body because he's he's not scoring. He's passing it to somebody else. I see. I see.

I think. I mean, uh, it is very funny seeing every single line. Yeah, it's fucking wild. Highlighted. Ain't no law boy.

Seán McLoughlin
You ball boy. Fetch Gatorade or something.

And Malibu most wanted. Isn't that like a fucking Jamie Kennedy movie? Oh, my God. I really hope that he compiles all of this into a little ep called Aubrey. That would be really funny.

That would be really good.

Ethan Nestor
So funny. So, so, so funny. Oh, it makes me happy to get more Kendrick. We'll see if Drake respond. I feel like Drake is very pompous, and so he will respond.

Seán McLoughlin
Well, it's very obvious in the way that this has been coming out where Drake makes a song probably with his ghost writers, as everyone's starting to find out that which. I mean, ghostwriting's fine and most pop and stuff, that's absolutely fine. But when you act like you're the one writing it all and in hip hop and, like, complex lyricism and that kind of stuff is a very big no no, especially with someone like Kendrick, who apparently, when Eminem asked him to be. I didn't know Eminem's Marshall Mathers album was the reason Kendrick wanted to get into rap, or at least one of the reasons. Oh, I didn't know that either.

And when Eminem brought him on to do a hook, I'm getting all my information from YouTube shorts lately, he said to. He was like, I'll do the hook. And then Eminem was like, I don't know if you're the one actually writing all this stuff because it's so impressive. So I want you to do a verse, but all of your team have to leave the building. And then Kendrick did it and proved that he's able to do it.

So ghost writing is a very big no no in their circles. And even, like, the. Kendrick was like, just go back to, like, Aubrey, who's making, like, vibes, who just wants to make music, who's just like, your lyrics don't have to mean anything. You don't. You just write stuff that's like a club banger, and that's fine.

But I think his problem is I can't. Or Drake is kind of trying to play into something that he's not. He's trying to be so, like, I came from Compton as well, and I also know violence, and everyone's like, no, you don't. You're canadian. Yeah.

Which apparently Toronto have gangs. I didn't realize this in the euphoria intro. The backwards, like, reverse thing in the beginning is just everything they say about me is true. Yeah. Which is a reference to something.

Somebody said that somewhere before the Wiz, the Wizard of Oz, Richard Pryor said it. Because the full lyric is, everything they say about me is true. I'm a phony. So it's like, extrapolate on it. Like, understand the reference.

I don't need to tell you what it is. Oh, how long. How long do you think it'll go on for? Because, again, I think Drake's gonna keep coming back because he's not gonna want to back down. Well, that's what I was saying.

Ethan Nestor
Don't back down, Drake. Please keep coming. That's what I was gonna say. Is that the way he's releasing the songs is that it's like a TikTok rollout kind of release where it's like, you talk about it for a while, you release snippets on YouTube, you release a tiny bit on your instagram, you're on your story, you're hyping it up, and then it comes out, and you're like, here we go. And then Kendrick has another song already done to drop at the same time.

Seán McLoughlin
So he's like, whenever you drop the next song, I have another one to drop immediately. And then did. And then it's like, yeah, he did. It within an hour, right? Yeah.

It's like, oh, 616 in LA. There was a fourth one, and he wasn't even. No one had time to, like, bop to Drake's thing. And that's, like, Drake's whole thing is that he's. He's arguably in the zeitgeist of people more popular than Kendrick is.

Like, more people know Drake's music because it's more radio friendly. And then there's apparently goes back a while where they were talking about Michael Jackson and Kendrick being close to Michael Jackson in terms of nominations. And then he said he's more like Prince. And Prince of Michael Jackson kind of had, like a. Not so much a beef, but a rivalry.

And everyone would say that prince's music had more depth than Michael Jackson's, but Michael Jackson's were bigger hits. Yeah. As more of a pop star. Yeah. And I think that's kind of the parallel now that Kendrick was making between him and Drake.

Not that he would ever call Drake Michael Jackson, but it's like, my stuff matters. It's art. Like, go back to just making club hits and make money and do whatever you want, but stop trying to, like, come into our lane and pretend you know what it's all about.

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Ethan Nestor
That's 60%, potentially. And three free towels. That's sweet. Go to try brain. Use promo code brain to claim your free three piece towel set and save over 40% off again.

That's brain link. How did everything start? Because it started with the three of them, right? It started with Drake and J. Cole and Kendrick.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah, I think Kendrick had a section on. He had a feature on a future song. I could be wrong because I didn't know that that was happening. And he called out some people. He also had a verse on control.

I forget who he was doing it with, but his control verse is fucking insane. The, like, roughness of his voice in it and the way he was talking about stuff, and that was, like, legit. I'm airing some grievances. And then he started calling people out by name, like J. Cole and Drake.

So Kendrick has, like, called stuff out by name, and then Drake has kind of, like, been sly dissing him in songs for years. So it's gone back, like, over ten years, I think. And now lately he said something else Kendrick said in the song. And then Drake came back out and then was like, all right, here's an actual, like, diss track focused on you. And then, like, Rick Ross was in it, J.

Cole was in it. And then Drake put out a second one with the AI of Tupac and. Snoop Dogg, which is a wild thing to do. How would you have a second of. Yeah, this is a good idea.

I think he tried to get under Kendrick's skin. Cause Kendrick loves Tupac to be like, it's Tupac rhyming against you. Which I don't know how. Yeah. He ever thought that was gonna work.

Cause a, everyone hates AI. And two, it's everyone, like, all the tupac, uh, what do you call it? They're like, like family estate. Yeah, they came out and were like, we don't want this. Fuck you.

And then they took it down. And then Kendrick, like, basically turned it on its head and was like, dare you make Pac roll in his grave. Yeah. Which I wouldn't. Like Tupac and Drake, I would see having nothing in common.

Yeah, but Tupac and Kendrick, I'm like, that makes sense. Feels like a natural evolution of that generation of rappers. I can't wait to come back next week to record and see how many. More tracks of Penn release. I even sent it to Evelyn last night because I woke up one morning, I was like, there's another one.

And then last night, I was going to bed, and I was like, I can't wait to see what Kendrick does tomorrow. And I was, like, joking about it, and I woke up, and I turned to Evelyn to bed. I was like, he raised a new one.

I've been like. I've been, like, teaching Evelyn some of the sort of, like, lore and backstory and. Cause she doesn't listen to hip hop or rap, but I. It's like Christmas every day. Yeah, she knows how much I love Kendrick, and even she's like, kendrick's like an artist.

Like, he's so good lyrically, and you can't. Yeah, he's like, top five, all time, greatest rappers ever. Yeah, he's a. He's a poet, baby. Yeah, he's a fucking monster.

And I remember in the beginning, I was like, it made me feel like a teen with, like, PlayStation and Xbox. I was like, I can't afford an Xbox, so PlayStation's better. I can't be like, drake put out the songs, and then Kendrick put out euphoria. And I was like, yeah, that's better. Yeah, it's a better.

Like, it's more complex lyrically. It's fucking awesome. I love that. And everyone was like, I think Drake's is better. And I was like, come on, Kendrick.

You can do it, Kendrick. And I was like, why did I ever. Come on. Why did I ever have a doubt? Come on.

Shelf fucking eating his lunch. Fucking swirlies. He's, like, doing all the schoolyard bully shit. He's, like, pulling down his pants, giving him wet willies. I feel like it's also Drake is probably over there just sweating all the time, just, like, freaking out, just being like, all right, I gotta come up with something different.

Ethan Nestor
And then Kendrick is just like, okay, yeah, whatever. It's probably so lax for him because he's just so good. He's just like, yeah, he's a machine. I think about it. Drake being like, okay, what comes next?

Seán McLoughlin
Like, yeah, yeah, that works. And, yeah, what should we do next? And, like, really crafting a song. It's like, that's gonna fucking get him. That's gonna nail him to the wall.

And then Kendrick's like, an hour later, I have two songs, like, ready to go. You guys. Metro, you gotta beat. Mustard, you gotta beat. Can you just upload it?

Ethan Nestor
Yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah. It's like, he probably made it up on the spot. And then what I also love is that every time you hear Kendrick, he's different.

Seán McLoughlin
Like, he does weird, like, little inflections every time. Like, he's like, push a p a pusha t.

Ethan Nestor
When he did that, I giggled so hard. I like that. I like that. That's the shit that, like, makes you remember. And, like, yeah, in a a minor.

Seán McLoughlin
And then it goes on, like, a little too long, and you're like, now it's in my head, and I can't unhear it. He's so good. Ah, I wonder what Kendrick thinks of us. It doesn't. He's probably like, these guys are the cringiest motherfuckers has ever existed.

Kendrick, we play games. You want to play? No, I won't say play Fortnite, because ninja played Fortnite with Drake, and now look how that aged yeah, Kendrick, let's play apex. Yeah. And you can badmouth Drake all you want.

Actually, no, I. I don't think I. As much as I fucking love Kendrick, I don't think I would ever want to meet him, because I feel like. I don't feel like I would ever be cool enough for it to be a memorable experience for me. I would be very afraid the whole time, and I'd just be like, oh, I really hope he likes me.

There's very few people in the world that I could meet where I'm like, I want to be cool to you. Yeah. And, like, I have cool shit going on. I'm cool in my own way. Like, I have popularity and fame in my own right.

But you're like, you're so cool. You're, like, an actual genius. Whereas I feel like I just lucked out into yelling at stuff. Yeah, well, Kendrick, if you want to come on the podcast, you could just come on the podcast. Sean and I will.

Ethan Nestor
We won't even be here. Yeah. So can you just record a video and send it to us, and we can upload it and reap all the benefits? Cool. Thanks.

Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Appreciate it so much. I'm gonna call that in the next Drake diss if he puts out one, which he probably should just wave the white flag at this point, but I think he's too much of an ego to do that. But he should come out with a line that says, kendrick Lamer.

Oh, hell, yeah. He's, like, high fiving all the ghost writer pedophiles in his compound. All the sex offenders. He's like, we did it. We did it, guys.

Seán McLoughlin
We got him now. Let's hit the club. Oh, boy. Well, we'll see next week how many more songs we get. It is.

Ethan Nestor
It is actually very funny, seeing that we're getting a little Ep out of this beef. Yeah, it was like, oh, you want a diss track? I'll do a whole diss album. Yep. Whoopsies.

Wait, what is happening with the bottle cap that you have? It flips up. Ugh. I hate these fucking things. This is, like, a thing that coke zero are doing now, not spawn coke.

Uh, they did less. I was gonna say, you never sponsored me, and I was gonna get all, like, jokingly petty about it, but they did donate, like, 200 grand to thank me, so. Thanks, Coke. Thanks, Coke. It's these new bottle caps that they do to, like, not have them fall off.

Oh, it's like. It's like paper straws. It's like, oh, less waste. It stays with the bottle. I hate it.

Seán McLoughlin
It's in the way. Cause you hate the environment or. Well, yeah, I want this all to burn in hell. Fair. But it's like when you try and screw it back on, you have to, like, do the thing where you unscrew it and screw it to get it to go on because it doesn't sit flat on it.

It's fucking stupid. You're not saving the turtles. How diss track about Coca Cola's new bottles? Come on, baby, let's go start the feud. Coke.

Why you doing that? I fucking hate this thing. No cap. Nice. That cool?

Was that good? That was pretty cool. That was good. That, like, send. Send that shit to Kendrick.

Ethan Nestor
That's good. Because the. The cap. The cap is, you know, it has two meanings. Because it's the bottle cap, but also, you know, the slang of the cap, as in lie.

Seán McLoughlin
Yeah, and I'm not lying because I hate this thing. Mm hmm. Yeah. And you meld those two together. And it's also the juxtaposition, because if I was able to take it off, there'd be no cap, but the cap stays on.

Now, that's what it's gonna say on my genius tab for that two. Two bears. For that one bear. For a two sentence bear. Yeah, I keep thinking about that because I made the.

I saw Corey Kenshin do the Friday night Funkin rap that time, and I was like, that's such a fun thing to do. And I. First of all, I just love Corey, and it was really fun to listen to. And I was like, I want to challenge myself like that and, like, make something that I haven't done before and do something that's, like, gets the video more exciting instead of just being like, here's our. Let's play.

And then I did that, and I was like, it was one of the more fun things I've ever done. Then Vincent edited it and, like, did some of the music and inflections, like, changed a little bit of it, but I just found a beat on. Like, I think it was epidemic. And I was like, this shit's fun. I want to do more shit like that, but I don't have the voice for it when I do it.

I'm like, should I. Should I sound more irish or to, like, not have it sound weird? Should I do, like, an americanized me? Do they have big irish rappers? Probably.

And I can't think of any off the top of my head. That would be kind of sweet. Ah, James. How's it going, boys? I'm gonna fucking kill you.

No loise. No lies. Noise boys. Oh, you should do a rap song and just embrace your irishness and go over the top Irish. I should.

We should start some beef. Yeah. Yeah. Like, when the diss tracks all went around, like, years ago and sidemen were, like, attacking each other, like, that's fun. It is fun.

Ethan Nestor
It is fun. It's fun to do something creative. This is one of those beefs, though, with Kendrick and Drake, where it's like, I don't think that this is just manufactured. I think Kendrick actually has a deep hatred for Aubrey. I mean, he said he hates the way that he dresses.

Seán McLoughlin
That's real shit. He hates the way that he walks. He hates the way that he talks. I love that. Where he was like, you're a pedophile, you're surrounded by sex offenders.

Kid out there, you're a terrible dad. You're a deadbeat. And Drake was like, I don't have a second daughter. Sit on that one. Got you.

You thought that you got me, but it turns out I'm rubber, your glue, and I got you. Which does glue not stick to rubber? I am rubber and you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. I'm pretty sure glue can stick to.

Ethan Nestor
Rubber, but I think it's because rubber is bouncy, so it bounces off of him, and then. That's bullshit. If you squirt glue at a tire, it's gonna stick to it. No, but I don't think that the glue is what is being spurted. It's whatever you say.

Because rubber is bouncy, right? Yes. So you're throwing something. Doesn't have to be glue. Some other thing.

You just throw it at him. But then why does it bounces off the rubber? Why did you say it goes back. And hits the glue? Why would.

Seán McLoughlin
Why would it say glue? Then I'm rubber, you're. I'm rubber, your poo. I'm. I'm rubber, you're cum.

Ethan Nestor
Whatever you throw at me makes me go, yum. Perfect. That works well, because it's. The glue is sticky, you know, so it sticks. Yeah, but it would stick to rubber.

Two of the whitest boys, you know. Talk about, yo, Kendi saw doys. Kendrick, can you come on the podcast and explain to us rubber glue? I would love phenomenon Drake to come. Out and be like, yo, Kendrick, I'm rubber, your glue.

But that's the thing. If. If Drake did that, it would be like, what are you doing? But if Kendrick did it, it'd be like, ah, fire, heat. I look really good.

Seán McLoughlin
When Mister morale came out and people were like, dude, oh, he's the goat. Greatest album of all time. Oh. Oh boy. Oh boy.

Ethan Nestor
Did you find out the rubber and glue scenario? People said a certain chemical glue is the best for sticking, for bonding rubber. So glue, a specific type of glue, can stick to rubber. So it's fucking bullshit. They just wanted to rhyme you with something and glue was the best they could.

Yeah. Sticky little bitches. Well, um, do you want to hear about how I went all over.

Do you want to hear about how. I came all over America? Yes, tell me. I went all over the country. All right.

Me, my dad went from a to b. What's a main. What's b? Here?

Seán McLoughlin
Loss a, which is a. It states for angel and lost b. That didn't make sense. B was Boston, but it was a. Little higher than Boston, but it's around the same.

How many states did you go through? So. And if you weren't counting, I'm mad at you. So we went from Portland, Maine, to Los Angeles, California. We went through.

Ethan Nestor
We started in Maine, we went through New Hampshire, Massachusetts. Went up into New York and then hugged the top of New York a little bit by Canada, then went into Pennsylvania. I haven't been counting this whole time. That's okay. Chat will do it.

Yeah. Yeah, come on, chat. And then we went through from Pennsylvania to Ohio and then Illinois and then went to Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Nevada. Here. So however many of that is.

Seán McLoughlin
Why Utah? Not me. Taho. We should have taken a slight detour across the ocean.

Ethan Nestor
But me, my. Me and my dad just did a close to 50 hours road trip, baby. Gross. He's moving in. Disgusting.

Yeah, we had a big old trailer behind us towing all of his stuff. And it was great listening to some audiobooks. Was it honestly was not that bad. Or was it, like, really boring? Because most of middle America is like, wow, it's a pile of dirt.

Wow. Well, I sent you a couple of videos there. Nebraska and Iowa, which look the exact same. Yep, the midwest is quite boring. It all looks the same, especially right now, I think.

I don't know how farming works, but I'm pretty sure because the snow is melting, you know, they're starting to plant crops and whatnot. Yes. So it's. There's not a bunch of cool plants and stuff that are growing. It's just a bunch of dirt currently.

And that was just that. Dirt for miles and miles and miles and miles. Crazy stuff. What was your favorite state favorite was probably honestly probably going from Wyoming to Utah, because it actually changed from flat to mountainous and cool and stuff. But it was fun.

I mean, it went by pretty quick. We did, like, eight to 10 hours of driving a day, and halfway through the day, we would switch, and then we just listened to some audiobooks. Listen to Dave Grohl's book. Dave Grohl. Is it good?

Hi, Dave. Yeah. Yeah, I liked it. Liked it a lot. That's my book.

Seán McLoughlin
I'm Dave Grohl right now. Look at you.

Does he read the book himself? Yeah. That's fun. He does. He talks about some crazy stuff in that book.

Ethan Nestor
A lot of weird coincidences happened to Dave Grohl. Like, he was on a road trip. He was on a road trip himself, and he went to, I think it was Baker, California, or Barstow. I can't remember. He left his wallet at a gas station in 1991, and he went across the United States.

And then in, like, 2015 or something like that, he. He was out with his kid just getting at a gas station, getting in California, but not in Baker or Barstow or whatever. And he was getting some sunglasses, and the person at the cashier was like, are you Dave Grohl? And he was like, yeah, I am. And they were like, did you lose your wallet in 1991 in Barstow, California?

And he was like, yeah. And they were like, my parents own that gas station. They still have your wallet. Wow. This was, like, in a.

It was in, like, Venice or something. And so he got his wallet back, and it still had all of his stuff in it. And, like, his license and stuff from 1991. Oh, I wouldn't have taken it back. I would have just signed it and told him to frame it.

Yeah. Isn't that nuts, though? They had his wallet that whole time. Then he just ran into the space. And he's like, there's dollar ten in this.

Seán McLoughlin
Where is it? Where? And they're like, there's some money missing from this. I'm sorry. Dave Grohl, we charge interest for holding your wallet.

Hey, Dave Grohl. Cool. He can't hear too good. No, he's got. No, he can't.

Tinnitus. And he's, like, partially deaf. Don't you have tinnitus? Sure do. Don't you have tinnitus, little drummer boy?

Ethan Nestor
Oh, I sure do. It goes e and then every now and then. All the time. Yep. I hear right now.

Nice. Sometimes you'll get it. Well, this happens to other people, as well, where your ear will just go, like, muffled. And then all of a sudden, it's like a ringing, and it just, like, fades out, and then your hearing comes back. What is tinnitus?

Is it like you have a slight burst in your eardrum or what? It's like in your cochlea, the fluid chamber with all the little hairs in it that gets shaken around. Apparently, it's when some of those hairs get damaged and broken. So your ear thinks it's hearing a sound where that hair is damaged. Oh.

Seán McLoughlin
But it's not actually. It's like having something in your brain trigger, and it's like, ooh, I have a memory. But it's like that never actually happened. Did, uh. Can you get that fixed?

Ethan Nestor
Can you get some little hair implants in there? Get a little haircut? I'll go to turkey and get a hair transplant. Um, no, there's no cure for it. It's too that the shit inside your ear is too.

Seán McLoughlin
Too finicky. You probably do more damage than good. I think I read a thing about something in South Korea a couple of years back that they were, like, doing electro implants or, like, shock therapy or something to, like, fix it. But. But it's also like, whoever has it, it's very specific what hairs are broken and what sound you're hearing.

And some people hear, like, a whooshing sound. Mine is like the high pitched ringing. Like, you go out for a night of drinking in a club, and then you come back and your ears are just, like, ringing at you. It's like that 24/7 whoosh. It's not too bad.

I sleep with, like, the bose sleep buds and just listen to rain. So now it doesn't distract me. And you have to be in, like, a really quiet environment. But if you ever go drinking or, like, running or something, the blood going through your ears more can, like, make you feel it. I started sleeping recently with some sleep earbud things, but then I had to stop because it really started hurting my ears.

Yeah, I can't do any of the other ones except the bose ones. But the bose ones only work with the app, and they have, like, a little tiny SSD in them that, or, like, a card in them that you download the sounds to the earbuds instead of playing stuff from your phone. So you can't, like, listen to an audiobook or listen to music or. They're not Bluetooth like that. Oh, so they don't.

They're not. They're not big enough. They have to be small enough to allow just the sounds in the library to go on them. And have a tiny storage. Oh, that's weird.

Yeah, but it works really well. And you can, like, set them to play all night or whatever, but those are the only ones that were flat enough to lie on because any of the other ones I tried were, like, after three nights, that would just hurt my ear. I get a little afraid, though, putting them in my ear because I'm like, what if someone is breaking into my house and I don't hear them? And all I hear is the soft pitter patter of rain on my roof? That's Evelyn's problem.

I'll be sleeping in the tundra of northern Pacific Northwest. Ah. Wow. The rain. Oh, I'm in a forest and everyone's like, help.

Ethan Nestor
See, I don't have that. Spencer would just go and let them in. Oh, I don't have somebody to. To. To scream, help.

You know? Yeah, I do think about that, actually, that if someone broke in, but at that point, like, they're in the house, what am I gonna do? Yeah, get up. True. I sleep nudie.

Seán McLoughlin
So what am I gonna do? Get up and fucking shake my will you at them? I always get afraid of sleeping naked. I don't. I don't like the thought of sleeping naked.

Ethan Nestor
I sleep with my boxers on. Why? Well, they're boxer briefs. I don't know. I'm just like, you know, it's too vulnerable.

It's too vulnerable. What if I have bedbugs suddenly and they crawl into my asshole? They're gonna find a way. I know. It doesn't matter.

Seán McLoughlin
They're gonna bite you right in the pee hole. You don't even have a foreskin. What are you gonna do? I know. I know.

Ethan Nestor
I have no protection. Did you ask your father about that on the road trip? Why? Dad? No.

Why? Where are my testicles? Dad? You know, it's crazy. We were listening to so many books.

Everybody was like, did you guys get sick of each other? We barely even talked on the road. We barely even talked. Damn. It's crazy.

Seán McLoughlin
That's kinship right there. I know. We put our hands up and we said, no, no, shush. Not today. Father.

Dave Grohl is speaking. Dave Grohl's talking. Come on. Did you listen to anything else? We listened to Dave Grohl's book, whatever that was called.

Ethan Nestor
I can't remember what it's called. And then we catch a mockingbird. To catch a mockingbird. Then we listened to Jeanette McCurdy's book. I'm glad my mom died.

Which was very good. It was very impressing. That's very good. Yeah, it's very good. It's very sad, but very good.

She's really. I wonder what gave away the sadness of it. Yeah. And then. And then Dune.

Well, I kind of wanted to listen to Dune a little bit, and then I fell asleep for a while and listened to some music, and so my dad started listening to Rob Lowe's memoir, and then I woke up and listened to the back half of that. Who's Rob Lowe? I know that name. Rob Lowe. His first movie was, I believe the outsiders.

He played soda pop Curtis, and then. He'S on parks and rec. He was in west. Oh, yeah, I know him. Yeah.

Seán McLoughlin
God, what a fucking handsome bastard. Oh, my God, his hair is glorious. He had a. He had a rough go of it with alcohol, as many people do. Anybody in the.

I just assume that anybody who has a book that's a celebrity has had a fucked up past. Dude, listening to Dave Grohl's book was wild. Yeah. I don't know how Dave Grohl puts a smile on his face. He went through the Kurt Cobain thing, and he also went through the Taylor Hawkins thing, like, a year ago.

Ethan Nestor
Mm hmm. It was very sad listening to the. Listening to his book. Cause I think it was published in, like, 2017 or something like that. Taylor had to.

Hearing him. Yeah. Hearing him talk about Taylor and, like, his bond with him, knowing that he would pass a few years after was very sad. Wow. Very, very sad.

But, yeah, it was a good. It was a good trip. Glad to be back after we record the podcast today. Yeah, baby. Back leaking, baby.

Seán McLoughlin
Did you talk to your dad about the podcast? You should have just listened to those. I know. Well, it did start to autoplay at one point, and I was like, oh, no. Even my dad give bad advice.

Ethan Nestor
Remember that bad advice with Ethan and chat? Wow. Yeah, we sold out. We still got it, baby. Come on.

We can go back to our bad advice. Hello.

But, yeah, it was a good time. Now we back. Gonna help my dad move today. Did you guys? You fucking.

Seán McLoughlin
You helped him move far enough. He can do the rest of his own. Was he bad back? Yeah, I don't know. Right?

Ethan Nestor
He's got a big old trailer, and he says, once you're done with your podcast today, will you help me move all this stuff into a new place? And I go, and then you went fucking muay thai elbow right to the top of the dome. Fuck you, dad. You touched my soft spot when I was a baby. Now it's time to create one on you.

Seán McLoughlin
Crack the egg. Did you guys have any, like, spiritual moments? Like, you're. I don't have a dad anymore, so I don't know. Boo hoo.

I could not have done anything with my dad in the car, mainly because neither of us have a license or drove ever, so it would have just been us and a stranger be like, so you want to talk about life? It's like, no, Richard's right there. No, we can't do that. Did you guys have any, like, moments? You had, like, a kinship with your dad for 50 hours, and you guys filled the silence with Dave Grohl and Jeanette McCurdy and Rob Lowe.

Ethan Nestor
I know you gotta talk about shit. Like, when did you get your first prostate exam, dad, should I be going? That kind of shit? Should I go and do that? Let's see.

Seán McLoughlin
He told me, like, I do. Is it a family? Oh, my God. Is it a genetic thing? He told me about the first time that he ever got drunk.

Ethan Nestor
Kind of fun. Mm hmm. We didn't. We didn't have a lot of, you know, we were mainly just taking in the sight seeing stuff, you know, it's crazy. You're dead.

I was asking him if. If he had. If he was feeling anything with his move to California, but he said that it hadn't hit him yet. Okay, great. I'll update you when it hits.

Seán McLoughlin
Great conversationalist. Hey, Mark, if you're watching this fucking chat shit. Like, speak your shit, King. Chat your shit. Be like Kendrick.

Put on Dick Hendrick song and just like, be like, you know, he said that Drake was a pedophile in the song because it's true. And I go, uh huh. And your dad's like, the lamp goes over there. Okay, but what do you think about, like, do you think Drake will reply like. Like Drake and Josh.

Like Drake and Josh, you get into some beef. Oh, I think they did, didn't they? Well, yeah, but not entertaining beef. It was just really sad, realistic beef where it's like, are you guys friends? You're probably both depressed.

Oh, you were sexually assaulted when you're young. Oh, man. Ye. I watched that whole thing. It was very sad.

I haven't watched it actually yet. What is it called again? Turn off the lights. Quiet on set. Quiet on set.

I knew it was something about, like, the set is done. That's what they say. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Quiet on set.

Turn off the lights. We're about to roll. Turn off all the lights. Camera. Speeding?

Unstriking? Yep. No, but the road trip was good. It was fun. I'm definitely glad to be back, though.

How much? And I will kill anybody who makes a joke about this. How much of yourself do you see in your father? Don't do it. Don't do it.

Straight faces, everybody. A lot. I gave a speech at my dad's Chris going away party. Yes. At his baptism.

Ethan Nestor
He got baptized right as we left, mate. Born again. I gave a little speech, and I was like, we're all here to celebrate my dad, blah, blah, blah. And then I was like, you know, I see a lot of myself in my dad, and most of the reason why I am the way that I am is because of my father, for better or for worse. Finally a reason.

Seán McLoughlin
Everyone's like, that's why when I hearkening. Back to Dave Grohl, when I hear him say, there goes my hero. Watch him as he goes. I think of my pa, Mark Nestor. Mark the mark.

There goes my daddy. Watch him as he goes.

Ethan Nestor
But anyway, yeah, I was hoping that. We'D get on this fucking pee cast today, and you'd be like, yeah, me and my dad. Really? We did. Fucking ayahuasca.

Seán McLoughlin
Saw a wolf chase us all the way down the highway. We talked about life, love, bitches, money. I thought you'd be, like, talking about something. I know, I know. Listen, is your dad like you?

Where it's like, dad, I love you. Actually, you wouldn't even say it that way. You'd be like, dad, I love you. And does your dad go.

Ethan Nestor
Yeah. We're both like. Your dad's like, oh, stopping. No, I'll take. I'll take him up to the Griffith observatory, and we'll look up at the stars and show him her.

Seán McLoughlin
The final. Final episode of Fallout was shot. Mm hmm. I said, dad, why are we here? Dad, you think if we look through the telescope, we'd see our future?

What do you see for me? And then he'd put his arm around you and be like, you ever got further than I thought you would? Honestly, it's all new territory. Yeah. This is all up to you, baby.

Ethan Nestor
Cause I did not think that you would graduate high school. So, you know. Did he? Yeah. Mm hmm.

Yeah. Did he go to college and stuff? Yeah, he went to college for some sort of design. I can't remember specifically what it was. And then right after college, they were like, hey, we need someone to teach this design course in this new program.

Do you know this program? And my dad said, yeah, I do. And he lied. And he had never touched that program in his life. Oh, yeah.

Seán McLoughlin
You told me that his 1st. 1St job out of college. Yep. He should have taken like a debate class or something like worked up his conversational. Well it's so funny.

Ethan Nestor
My dad's like the most personable person I know. But you know during the road trip we were just listening to all these books and whatnot. Taken in the scenery, you know. No, I'm just gonna keep judging both of you heavily. And next time I see him, which now will be a lot sooner than later cause now he lives nearby.

Seán McLoughlin
I'm gonna sit you both, we're gonna go for dinner. You, me, Mark and Justin, I mean Justin are just gonna grill both of you. That honestly sounds like a lot of fun. We should do that. You just grill my.

Now I don't want to. If it's fun then I don't want to do it. I cuz I met your dad at Pax and then I met him like on and off. Yeah, you and my dad had just been on and off for a while, you know. Oh, I saw your life show.

Ethan Nestor
Is he there in LA? I don't think so. I can't remember though. I seen your dad more than once. Yeah, you've seen him a couple times, something like that.

Seán McLoughlin
Couple times around I'd be like, hey Mark. And he'd be like, hey, what's up to everybody boy? Hey, what's up there buckaroo? How you coming in from that old dusty trail? And I'd be like, just hits up the horse on the outside.

Me and Arthur Morgan. I want us to go and I want us to go on horses. I think we should. Horses are scary. Can we go on donkeys?

Why? Actually donkeys are fucking scarier. Donkeys are scarier than horses. They go, we should go on a. We should do.

Ethan Nestor
Oh, Shawn. Well we should do a video, but also we should just do a normal podcast but we're just on horses. And then the whole time you just. You just hear in the back just. Like, yeah, a little clippy copy.

Wouldn't that be fun? And then you start hearing, you start hearing like gunshots and be like, get down, get down. Go cinnamon, go.

We can rob a train live on the podcast. We could just do a whole thing around that. We can just pretend. Doesn't even have to be real. War.

Seán McLoughlin
The world's nervous. Nervously put in horses right now. And then the hoo hoo is a train. And then do a shot of a gun going, hey. And then.

Ethan Nestor
Sean, you're not gonna take me. Laugh. Fucker. Nervely. Don't do any of that.

Seán McLoughlin
And just keep all of Ethan's sounds in. I think those are perfect. And keep that entire section in. Don't edit any of that for anything. Just put in room tone from an office.

Just phone string. It's an AC home.

Yeah, I wonder if we could do that. Just, like, put in random office noise, like chatter, phones, photocopiers, things like that, just to, like, liven up the podcast so it's not just you and me talking. Yeah, every. Every episode is a new scene, and we have to be like, dear Weekly leak listeners, if you can guess this sound and it goes wee woo. And it's like, you can win a fucking nothing.

Ethan Nestor
You can win nothing. You can win whatever. Quinn tweets on the brain leak socials. Sean, we should start doing a weekly giveaway where people enter into win nothing. We should play a random sound.

Seán McLoughlin
How did the radio people get those sounds? I don't want to, like, find a thing. You know what? Nervely. Put in a sound for the people at home.

Everyone shout out nervously put in just a random sound here. And you listeners have to guess what that sound is in the comments. If you're listening on Spotify or something or apple or whatever, then. Sorry, there's no forum for you there, dad. Take it up at them, and then whoever gets it right will shout out the first person that we see next week, and you will win nothing.

Yeah. So get ready for that. We should do a thing where we bring on a fan to talk to on the podcast every now and then and call it, like. Like a fan segment where we can. Have people call in leak listeners.

Like, the leak listener corner. Yeah. Oh, and we're not. We're not gonna, like, ask you questions. Like, so what do you think about the show we're gonna, like, between two ferns, your ass.

And just sit there and be like, so you like both of us? Like, where did your life go wrong? Yeah. Which one of your parents neglected you? Yeah, both.

Cool. Nice. Sick. Awesome. What does it feel to have liked youtubers on Tumblr before anywhere else?

Yeah. But you regret that. Oh. Have a tattoo of our signatures. Huh?

Ooh. Ooh. I'm sorry. To anyone out there who's gotten a tattoo of my signature, and you're, like, really proud of it. That's great.

Like, if you like it, cool. Yeah. But anytime anyone has ever said that in the past, I was too afraid to be like, I'm not doing that. So I would do it, and then they would show me later, and I'm like, if you're happy. Awesome.

But I'm like, I hate my handwriting, and I hate how squiggly that was. And I. I'm like, I hate the idea of knowing that you probably don't even watch me anymore, but you still have that on you. Oh, I I stopped doing it a while back because people would be like, can you write your signature on my arm? Because I want to get it tattooed.

Ethan Nestor
And I stopped doing. I made a rule where I was like, if you really want to get it tattooed, I will write my signature, but not on your body, because it's hard to write on skin, so it will look shit. So I'm like, I'm not in charge of your life. Do whatever, but I'm not writing on your body. I have to write it on a thing, and then it'll at least look better if you still watch and you.

Seán McLoughlin
Still love us and you're happy that it's a part of you, that's great. I'm just more saying for, like, my own sake that, like, it's. It's just a hatred for myself more than anything, that when I see people with that, I'm like, I'm so sorry I ruined your body forever. At least when I get, like, a blood born or a shadow of the losses, like, that's fine. Shadow of the losses.

When I get a blood bonk and a shadow, my cop, Chris, that's fine. Cause those are symbols. When it's, like, a signature, I'm like, oh, God, you probably like somebody else now. Also, I wouldn't get anybody's signature because you'd never know. Thankfully, I have no skeletons in my closet, Drake.

Mine are empty, not full of. Are you pointing to your wall and not a closet? Shut up. Also, isn't there a skeleton somewhere behind you? No.

Ethan Nestor
Like, a little figure? No skeleton back there? No skeletons. I did get a new berserk statue. There's one little skeleton.

Where is it? I can't see him. Oh, I see him. He's under the red. Get out of frame.

Seán McLoughlin
Leave frame and microphone. There he is. He's under your gloves. Hey, there he is. Yeah.

Ethan Nestor
Wait, can you. Can we see? Is it behind you? It weighs, like, can you turn your camera? No, because it's just my monitor.

Seán McLoughlin
Then it's just. Oh, that is so sad. That is so sad. I can show you the sword because it comes with two swords. It comes with sword.

Ethan Nestor
Oh, I can see a little bit of it. There's pictures on my ground, and they stuck to my feet.

Always little barefoot guy just going tip tap, tip tap. This is his head. Oh, that's sick. Yeah. And then this is one of the swords.

That's a sword that he holds. Yep. That's the Dragon Slayer sword. Yeah. In the manga they say like, how can anyone wield that?

Seán McLoughlin
It's not even a sword. It's just like a hunk of metal. And then they're like, there's no way he can swing that. And then he does. That's crazy.

That's why cloud has a buster sword. And why like dark souls have like, guys with giant swords. Like anytime you've seen like bleak, anytime you see like guy with giant sword that he can't lift, that's inspired by berserk. Whoa. For anyone who can't see, it's big.

It's very big. The statue itself weighs like, what did I say it was like 35 pounds, 75 pounds? Yeah, it's like 30 kilos. Damn. And it all magnetized and it's very fucking cool.

I also painted it guts. This week. I got painted. Yeah. I normally 3d print stuff myself, but I've gotten so fucking tired of how long it takes and, oh, the temperature needs to be right and the resin needs to be right and I don't know what size it is.

And it takes fucking 9 hours to print anything. So I just start buying 3d prints off etsy and then I paint those myself. Nice. So I painted, uh, the, the dog that's the armor is called the beast of darkness.

Oh, yeah. The next time I come over there, we should paint something. You should teach me how to paint something. Okay. And I'll go.

Ethan Nestor
I'll go. And you go. Fuck. God damn it. No, you can't do it like that.

Seán McLoughlin
I'll teach you to paint something easy with like dry brushing because that's my favorite thing to do and it's super fun. Yeah. Is that the one that makes the contrast look really cool? Yeah, it's just that you put on a base coat and then you put in like a darker wash that kind of like, goes into the recesses and creates shadows. And then you like dry brush highlights over it.

But it's like those three steps make everything look amazing. Like, you can just do any model with those three steps if you want. It won't look amazing, but you can make it look pretty cool. I like that. And it's really easy.

Ethan Nestor
Do you have little magnifying glasses when you do this? No. I do have a pair of those ones that have like a light on the front and they go, but they're annoying to use. I don't like them. I don't paint anything that's that small.

Seán McLoughlin
I like. I like the big ones. The big, big ones. Big boys. Well, everyone, maybe next week we'll.

Ethan Nestor
Well, probably not next week, but maybe the week after we could call someone in. How should we do that? I don't know. We might have to. We won't tell you when it happens.

Seán McLoughlin
We'll just call you. Yeah, we'll just call a random person. You're in the middle of church service. I can't talk right now. I can't.

Ethan Nestor
I'm talking with God. I'm talking with Jesus. He's listening. Yeah, just start tweeting us your phone numbers. Don't do that.

Don't joke. Don't do it. For the love of God, please don't do that. Not just for like. Cause we'll have your phone numbers, but other people will see it and the.

Whole world will text you. We'll do something with that. We will probably be recording something again soon. So we'll see if Kendrick Leek Mar comes out with more songs. I like how everyone's just waiting for Kendrick to drop songs now.

Seán McLoughlin
And everyone's like, fuck Drake. No one cares. Yeah, no one cares. Drake is just a vehicle to get Kendrick to drop more stuff. Yeah.

And now he'll come out and be like, I'm your muse. You've made your best music. That would be such a narcissist thing to do. To be like, I did this all on purpose because we all wanted more kdot songs. I am your museum.

Ethan Nestor
I would not be surprised if he said that I was. My God. Oh, no, please don't. And then Kendrick would just fucking body him again. He's already dead.

Seán McLoughlin
He's dead. Some dude DJ, academics who's a. He was like, streaming and all his reactions are going up and they're really funny. And he was like, Drake, fuck this rap shit. You can't do this anymore.

You got a box. You guys got to get in a ring. You got to fight each other. You can't do the rap shit anymore. I mean, I think that's the only way that he would win.

Ethan Nestor
How tall is Drake? Drake is 6ft. How tall is Kendrick? Kendrick five five. Yeah, because that was one of the things that they were making fun of his height.

Seán McLoughlin
And it's like, good one, bro. Yeah, that would be the only way that something would happen is if they actually boxed. Yeah, but it wouldn't be sanctioned anywhere because that's is weight and height disparity that would potentially kill somebody. In the ring. Well, we'll see what happens.

Ethan Nestor
Very excited for next week. Y'all stay leaky out there and back, better than ever. I'm back to making content again. You fucking better. You better make that content.

Seán McLoughlin
Get it out there. I have new channel now. Yay. Anyway, if period. If period.

Ethan Nestor
All right, everybody. See you later. Brain leak.

Seán McLoughlin
Brain leak.