ADHD Experts Podcast


The ADHD Experts Podcast, presented by ADDitude, serves as a pivotal resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex world of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This podcast features a series of informative sessions where leading experts in the field share their insights on diagnosis, management, and the latest treatment options. Each episode delves into practical advice, coping strategies, and real-life stories to support individuals and families navigating ADHD. With a focus on both children and adults, the ADHD Experts Podcast stands as an essential tool for empowerment and education in the ADHD community. Designed to bridge the gap between ADHD communities and the latest clinical practices, the podcast not only enlightens but also connects listeners with tools and methodologies that can make a tangible difference in their lives. Whether you're a parent, educator, or health professional, these episodes offer valuable perspectives and guidance tailored to help you support those affected by ADHD effectively.


  • 499- ADHD in Older Adults: Clinical Guidance and Implications

    Dr. David Goodman, an expert in ADHD and geriatric psychiatry, addresses the overlooked issue of ADHD in older adults. Despite common perceptions, ADHD does not only affect children; it persists into older age, often undiagnosed due to overlapping symptoms with other age-related cognitive declines. This episode discusses the diagnostic challenges, misconceptions, and the implications of treating ADHD in the senior population, highlighting the need for clinical guidelines to aid in the effective management of ADHD beyond childhood.